RCBC Chairman Kozak Announces Candidacy For 14th District State Rep.

(Photo provide by Roman Kozak)

Story by Beaver County Radio Staff
(Beaver Falls, Pa.) Roman Kozak, the current RCBC Chairman announced Monday morning that he will officially seek the 14th Pennsylvania state House seat which includes parts of Beaver County in next year’s election.

Kozak’s will be making a bid to replace current 14th District State Rep.  Jim Marshall after he announced on Beaver County Radio las Thursday that he would not seek re-election next November during his monthly appearance on “Rappin with the Reps”, Kozak said via release :“Today I am excited to announce my campaign for state Representative.” “For two decades, Representative Marshall has successfully worked to improve opportunities for our families, seniors, and communities. kozak went on to say that he will continue the leadership our region needs by working to create and retain family sustaining jobs, expand educational choices for our children, and increase investment in our community.”

Kozak, a 2011 Geneva College graduate, spent the early years of his career in the transportation and freight industry working with steel, concrete, and dairy machinery manufacturers throughout the country. He feels that experience in manufacturing and transportation gave him a front row seat to the challenges our job creators and working families face as they fight to keep food on the table and our community moving forward. Kozak said:  “As state Representative, I will fight to reduce red tape, hold the line on taxes, and create good paying jobs to ensure real economic opportunity for all our working families.”

For the past decade, Kozak has worked in education and currently serves as a high school history and social studies teacher.“As an educator, father and youth coach, our children’s future will always be a top priority, and improving our schools and expanding education opportunities will be a key focus of my service,” said Kozak. “Every child is different, and every parent knows this. While many children excel and succeed in a traditional school setting, it is clear that expanded choices are opening up amazing opportunities for our children and the communities around us.”

Roman is the grandson of Ukrainian immigrants who survived the Holodomor or the “Great Starvation” under Soviet despot Joseph Stalin. All four of his grandparents were held captive in Adolf Hitler’s labor camps in World War II but ultimately survived. After the war, his grandparents fled the oppression of Soviet-occupied Ukraine and settled into a thriving Ukrainian church community in western Pennsylvania.His family’s experience under the oppression and brutality of Europe’s socialist regimes has only served to strengthen his commitment to personal freedom, our constitutional right to bear arms, limited government, and the sanctity of life.“We are being told from every direction that this country and our history is a failure and that the only way to fix the problems we face is bigger government, revolution, and radical social experimentation,” said Kozak. “As survivors of both Nazi fascism and Soviet Communism, my family experienced exactly where more government, revolution, and radical social experimentation leads.” “My grandparents taught me through their faith and action what it means to have a backbone. As your state Representative, I will always fight for your individual rights and the ability to pursue the American Dream.” Kozak also served as a member of the Beaver Falls City Planning Commission for six years and was a founding board member of the Beaver Falls Community Development Corporation. Roman and his wife, Lauren (Pasquale), reside and attend church in the Beaver Falls area with their four sons.

Kozak will also be joining Frank Sparks on “Live Mic” With Mike Romigh on Friday morning at 7:40 AM.

For more information on Roman Kozak and his campaign to represent the 14th PA State House district in the General Assembly please visit www.kozakforpa.com or on Facebook at facebook.com/kozak4pa.