Pennsylvania oil and gas violations through acts from PennEnergy Resources, LLC will be handled by court

(File Photo of smoke emission from factory pipes)

Noah Haswell, Beaver County Radio News

(Washington) According to a release from United States Attorney Eric G. Olshan in Washington on Tuesday, the Justice Department, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) made an agreement with PennEnergy Resources LLC (PennEnergy) to resolve alleged violations from Clean Air Act and Pennsylvania Air Pollution Control Act for involvement with operations of the company’s oil and gas in Pennsylvania. When the court accepts this offer, PennEnergy will establish projects to make vapor control systems better, more accessible, and to change how they work. Olshan states that this will decrease emissions of carbon dioxide released as methane each year by 8,200 tons as well as the elimination of more than 150 tons of volatile organic compound.