PennDOT will be closing down a section of Concord Church Road along State Route 588 this weekend in North Sewickley Township. District 11 announced that the closure begins at 7 AM this Friday morning and runs continuously through Monday afternoon at 3:30 PM.
Westbound car traffic will be detoured onto Mercer Road along Route 65 to Harpers Ferry Road and Chapel Drive before returning to Route 588, with eastbound traffic going the reverse of the route beginning with Chapel Drive. Trucks will be detoured onto Route 288 from Mercer Road.
Posted Car Detours
West of the Closure
- Take Route 588 (Concord Church Road) westbound
- Turn right onto Route 65 (Mercer Road)
- Turn right onto Harpers Ferry Road (Route 1012)
- Turn right onto Chapel Drive (Route 1066)
- Follow Chapel Drive back to Route 588
- End detour
East of the Closure
- Same detour in the opposite direction
Posted Truck Detours
West of the Closure
- Take Route 588 (Concord Church Road) westbound
- Turn right onto Route 65 (Mercer Road)
- Turn right onto Route 288
- Follow Route 288 back to Route 588
- End detour
East of the Closure
- Same detour in the opposite direction
Motorists can check conditions of the roadways by visiting