Pa State Rep.(15th) Josh Kail on Teleforum Monday at 10:10 AM

(Beaver Falls,Pa.) Tune into 1230 WBVP, 1460 WMBA, 99.3 FM, Monday, February 1, 2021 at 10:10 a.m.. Pa. State Representative (15th) Josh Kail will join Eddy Crow on Teleforum to talk about a group of southwestern Pennsylvania lawmakers that he lead who sent a letter to Governor Tom Wolf warning that his latest proposal to enact a severance tax on the natural gas industry would endanger critical pandemic recovery efforts and kill jobs.

Josh will discuss what was the reason for the letter plus he’ll talk about unemployment, a $15 an hour proposed minimum wage by some of his constituents, Gov. Wolf’s state of the state address, and many other subjects of what is happening in Harrisburg.

Josh will also answer any questions you may have by calling 724-843-1888 or 724-774-1888. The interview will also be streaming live over our Facebook page at WBVP-WMBA.