(New Brighton,Pa.) The New Brighton Area School District will start full virtual learning tomorrow and will continue through at least January 18, 2021 at this point due to the rising cases of the COVID-19. During that time New Brighton School District will provide free meals during the virtual learning portion of the school year. Beginning tomorrow all students enrolled in the District may pick-up a free breakfast and lunch through one of the two options.
Meals can be preordered for the entire week and picked up in the rear of the New Brighton High School at 3202 43rd Street on Mondays between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM. If meals are being preordered for the entire week, parents are required to register their child(ren) by visiting https://forms.gle/qek7uBY6g2Sir8996.
Alternatively, meals will be distributed at the New Brighton Middle School, 901 Penn Avenue, every Tuesday and Thursday between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM. Those using the Tuesday/Thursday walk-up service do not need to complete the registration form.
Please contact Jocelyn Haskins at 724-843-1795 Ext. 366 with any questions. Menus are available at each site upon request.