Matzie Announces Nearly $750,000 In Grants For Job Training Organizations

(Matt Drzik/Beaver County Radio)

State Representative Rob Matzie announced yesterday that $744,000 was awarded to Beaver County job training organizations to help push new career opportunities for the County over the next several years.

Of the $744,000 awarded by the Department of Labor & Industry, $250,000 is going to the Three Rivers Area Labor Management Committee to help the PA Steel Alliance Industry Partnership with projects aimed at developing new job opportunities with modern technology.

The remaining $494,000 is going to the Southwest Corner Workforce Development Board and will be divided into three of its subdivisions: Advanced Manufacturing, Healthcare, and the Building & Construction Industry Partnership.

“It’s an investment that creates new opportunities to keep young residents in our region and one that pays off for our employers, as well, by ensuring that they have the motivated, well-trained pool of candidates they need to stay competitive,” Matzie stated.