The Hopewell Township Commissioners accepted the resignation of Bernie Juth who served as a guard at the township depository, according to Beaver County Radio News Correspondent Sandy Giordano. Township manager Norm Krause, Jr.. said that Juth resigned because his wife is ill’. He will receive a certificate of appreciation for his service. The township commissioners are asking that anyone interested in applying for the position to stop at the twp. office for an application. A vacancy on the Creswell Heights Water Authority Board needs to be filled. Anyone interested is asked to send a letter of interest to the township office. This is a volunteer position. Krause said the use of the township’s websites for information has increased , including the parks and recreation site.. He said parks and recreation director Vickie Gill is making a great effort to get the info out on upcoming events. The planning commission named Bob Williams as chairman on january 19, they will meet on Thursday, February 16.