(Beaver County, Pa.) Did you sign up for a mail in ballot in the 2020 Election? You should have received a letter recently from the Beaver County Election Office. There has been some confusion about the letter. Beaver County Radio’s Frank Sparks spoke with Beaver County Elections Bureau Director Dorene Mandity on Wednesday about the Letter. Mandity said the letter is required by law to be sent out to anyone who registered to permanently receive a mail in ballot for the 2020 election. Mandity said that people think of the word permanent as you will receive and be able to vote and return a ballot via the mail automatically each year. She stated that if you received the letter and prefer to go to the poll to vote this year but would like the option to vote by mail in the future, you don’t need to do anything with the letter. If you want to receive a mail in ballot you must fill out the back and return to the Beaver County Elections Bureau. If you have changed you mind and don’t want to receive a ballot in the mail and would like to go to the polls to vote in person in the future, then you need to fill out the front and return it to the Elections bureau. If you decide in the future that you would like to receive a mail in ballot you will have to register just like you did the first time. The deadline to return the letter or to register to vote by mail is the Tuesday before the election or in this case May 11, 2021. The application or cancelation must be received by 5 pm that day and postmarks don’t count.
If you have any questions you can call the Bureau of Elections at 724-770-4440