Deluzio Announces Report Showing Big ACA Savings for his Western Pennsylvania Constituents

CARNEGIE, PA — Today, Congressman Chris Deluzio (PA-17) announced a report from the Congressional Regional Leadership Council showing how the policies within the American Rescue Plan Act (ARP) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) benefit the people of Pennsylvania’s 17th Congressional District.

In this community, approximately 23,000 people enrolled in ACA marketplace health insurance in 2023, and the average enrollee will save $1,540 in premiums this year thanks to the IRA. Without the provisions in the IRA, the report states that the average premium would have increased 66%, from $2,320 to $3,870.

“No one should have to choose between filling a prescription or seeing a doctor and paying their bills. Everybody should have healthcare, period,” said Rep. Deluzio. “I am thrilled that laws like the Inflation Reduction Act are making it cheaper to get health insurance. I will keep fighting for policies that help my Western Pennsylvania constituents get the care they need, so that no one ever has to face a choice between their health or financial ruin.”

Individual families in the district can realize significantly larger savings. For example, here are the savings three representative families buying a benchmark silver plan would receive:

  • A 60-year-old couple with a household income of $80,000 could obtain coverage this year for $5,640. Without the IRA’s extension of the ARP’s enhanced subsidies, the couple would have had to pay $17,482 in premiums, which would be a 210% increase in premiums. In dollar terms, this couple is projected to save $11,842 in premiums for health insurance coverage.
  • A family with a 35-year-old single parent with one child and a household income of $30,000 could obtain coverage this year for $168. Without the IRA’s extension of the ARP’s enhanced subsidies, the family would have had to pay $1,440 in premiums, which would be an increase of 757%. In dollar terms, this family is projected to save $1,272 in premiums for health insurance coverage.
  • A family with two 40-year-old adults, two children, and a household income of $75,000 could obtain coverage this year for $3,612. Without the IRA’s extension of the ARP’s enhanced subsidies, the family would have had to pay $6,708 in premiums, which would be an increase of 86%. In dollar terms, this family is projected to save $3,096 in premiums for health insurance coverage.

The full report is available here.