Congressman Keith Rothfus (PA-12) issued the following statement after the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) awarded Beaver County the Youth and Family TREE grant. This grant will provide Beaver County’s comprehensive system of care $541,350 per year for five years to enhance and expand prevention and treatment services for those suffering from substance use disorders, co-occurring substance abuse, and mental health disorders. The Congressman wrote a letter in support of Beaver County’s application:
“Like most of Western Pennsylvania, Beaver County has been devastated by the opioid epidemic with one of the highest rates of opioid-related overdoses in the country,” said Congressman Rothfus. “This critical grant funding from SAMHSA will provide the necessary prevention and treatment resources to help families and individuals improve their quality of life and achieve brighter futures.”
Congressman Keith Rothfus Applauds Beaver County On Receiving Federal Grant To Alleviate Substance Use Disorders