Commissioners Egley and Camp Trade On-Air Barbs During Teleforum

Beaver County Commissioners Sandie Egley and Dan Camp traded on-air barbs during Thursday’s edition of Teleforum on Beaver County Radio. It all began on the monthly segment ‘Ask The Commissioners’, in which Egley was the lone commissioner to show up, with fellow commissioner Tony Amadio on vacation and Camp attending a previously scheduled meeting regarding a new footbridge at Brady’s Run Park. The point of contention came when show host Frank Sparks asked Egley why it is so difficult to find a successor to financial administrator Ricardo Luckow, whom Camp and Amadio decided to fire earlier this year, with Egley giving the dissenting vote. Egley responded to the question by suggesting  that politics likely played a role…

Egley also said her fellow commissioners’ actions may have alienated potential candidates due to fear of job insecurity…

Later that morning, Commissioner Camp called in to the show and was asked the exact same question by Sparks, to which he replied with this rebuttal….

On Friday, the commissioners will conduct a second interview with a financial firm as the search for a replacement for Luckow continues.