Center Township Supervisors Meet To Discuss ‘Unsafe’ Speed Bumps And 2017 Preliminary Budget

Center Township Board of Supervisors  authorized township engineer Larry Souleret  to contact the contractor  installed speed bumps  on the roads leading to Community College of Beaver County  and Beaver County Career and Technology Center ., and the school district schools . That’s according to Beaver County Radio News Correspondent Sandy Giordano. She says the supervisors have discussed the matter in previous meetings because they are unsafe. and not painted.  Pedestrian lights for the school zones in the township haven’t been installed yet, either  on the Safe Route to School Trail.  Souleret said Penn DOT advised they are on back on order. BF Jones memorial Library’s librarian Linda Helms was present when the supervisors announced they would put up an old copier the police used  for  sale on  Municibid. .   Mrs. Helms asked how much they were asking for it.  The supervisors agreed to donate it to the library and will be delivered by the township. POLAR EXPRESS,  an event for children  and one adult will be held at the library Monday, December 5 from 5:45 -7 p.m. Mrs. Helms announced Space is limited reservations are required by calling 724-375-2900. Mac’s Donuts, a gift and a special surprise awaits the children attending, she said. For every dozen  Mac’s doughnuts  sells, Peoples Gas donates a dollar for every dozen to the library. The supervisors announced that there will be no tax increase in 2017 with adoption of the preliminary budget.