Center Township Supervisors Hold Final Meeting At Old Center Grange Offices

(Sandy Giordano/Beaver County Radio)

Monday night was the last meeting for the Center Township Supervisors at the Center Grange Road municipal building. The buildings in the complex will be completely renovated, no demolition will occur. While the complex is being built, the offices will be in CJ Betters Complex on Brodhead Road. 

Anyone having questions may call the township office at the new site, the phone number is 724-774-0271. Office hours will remain 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. The offices will be closed on Labor Day.

During Monday night’s meeting, issues with properties on Wilhelm Drive were expressed to the supervisors by some residents. The township assured the residents the problems will be addressed.

Xiyrail Barnat and Will Peake were hired as part time police officers, based on Police Chief Aldo Legge’s recommendation.

Fire Chief Bill Brucker spoke to remind residents there is no open burning in the township, just for recreational purposes. The chief stressed that the no burning ordinance must be abided by, or penalties will result to the offenders.