(Beaver County, PA) Beaver County Radio, 1230 WBVP, 1460 WMBA and 99.3 F.M. is announcing plans to host and broadcast a live Beaver County commissioners “Candidate Cast” debate on Friday November 1, 2019 from 10 A.M. until Noon. The special program will originate from the Beaver County Radio Live Sound Stage, located in the WBVP,WMBA and 99.3 F.M. studio and office building in Beaver Falls. All four commissioner candidates have agreed to participate in “Candidate Cast”, including: Tony Amadio (D), Dan Camp (R), Jack Manning (R) and Dennis Nichols (D).
WBVP, WMBA and 99.3 F.M. Program Director, Frank Sparks, will serve as the moderator for the debate. Pat Septak, newsman for WBVP, WMBA and 99.3 F.M, Mike Romigh, former radio talk show host and current Sponsorship, Events, and Social Media Manager for the Beaver County Humane Society, and former Allegheny County Executive and Current St. Barnabas Spokesperson, Jim Roddey, will serve as panelists.The two hour forum will also feature a live simulcast video via the WBVP-WMBA Facebook channel. Viewers will also be able to watch the “Candidate Cast” afterwards as it will be archived at beavercountyradio.com.
“The decision to move forward with organizing and hosting a commissioners candidate debate was made after receiving a great deal of public interest and encouragement from listeners and various Beaver County community leaders to broadcast a forum of that type.” offered Frank Sparks, who has spearheaded the project.
Sparks also shed light on what is going to be a unique, interactive and possibly fun format for “Candidate Cast”: There will be the traditional question and answer time with each candidate getting 3 minutes to address questions that have been submitted ahead of time by prominent Beaver County organizations, entries from Beaver County Radio listeners and questions formulated by the panelists. The candidates will then have 1 minute to respond to each question after the others answer the query. In addition, “Candidate Cast” will put a new twist on the traditional political debate with a fifteen minute rapid fire session toward the end of the show, where the candidates will randomly select and respond for sixty seconds to individual questions. Each candidate will get different questions throughout the rapid fire session.
Sparks further chimed in: “The fact that “Candidate Cast” will happen during what typically can be a highly listened to time of the day on WBVP, WMBA and 99.3 F.M., combined with access to live and archived video, will most likely make this a very easy way for interested voters in Beaver County to learn more about the people they are electing this fall”
Sponsorship opportunities for this revolutionary multi media event are available. For more information contact Mark Peterson at 724-846-4100 or peterson@beavercountyradio.com.