Beaver County Commissioners: Coronavirus Will Probably Make Its Way Here

Beaver County has begun preparing for a possible outbreak of Coronavirus. While there have been no confirmed cases in Pennsylvania, Commissioner Jack Manning said on Ask the Commissioners this morning…that the county is making preparations should the coronavirus reach here:


Manning is urging visitors and employees that if they’re sick…stay home:

Commissioner Tony Amadio also stressed the important of washing your hands:

Another good piece of advice, according to Amadio, is to sneeze into your arm, not into your hands…

Both Amadio and  Manning stressed the importance of taking common sense precautions to protect yourself…

Both Amadio and Manning believe it’s not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’ the coronavirus hits Beaver County…

The county is installing additional hand sanitizer dispensers and posting signs throughout the Beaver County Courthouse reminding employees and visitors to wash their hands.