Beaver County Lighted Christmas Parade Scavenger Hunt Winds Down This Week

The Beaver Falls Lighted Christmas Parade Scavenger Hunt is winding down this week. People have up until the start of the parade Saturday at 7 p.m. to find an ornament. There are 15 ornaments hidden in the area, most of them in Beaver Falls, all reflecting this year’s theme, “What Is Your Reason For The Season?” All those who find an ornament will get to ride in a special float in the parade this Saturday. Nathan Goughnour, the parade president, spoke to Beaver County Radio newsman Pat Septak this morning and said there are 15 clues to help people find the ornaments. They can be found on the parade’s Facebook page and they will also be announced during the Noonday report all this week on 1230 WBVP and 1460 WMBA.