Story by Beaver County Radio News Correspondent Sandy Giordano
(Hopewell Twp., Pa.) Nora Janicki, Hopewell Township’s Community Outreach Supervisor moved here in 1993. with her husband She grew up in Barberton, Ohio, and also lived in Arizona and California. She attended CCBC, she was a realtor, worked for Weight Watchers for almost 12 years doing an online program.
After that, it was time for a career change, she was hired by the township as a part time administrative assistant, a position she held for 5 years. The township named her Community Outreach Coordinator 3 years ago, and the many projects she and her coworkers have spearheaded with community support are numerous. Two of the most noticeable projects are the area by the traffic lights at Five Points where each season has décor, and during the spring and summer flowers are planted. The flags that are visible on Memorial Day, Fourth of July, , and Veterans Day in front of the junior high school are also part of the community outreach program.
A comfort food cook-off was held in the fall, and was open to all residents and businesses.
A bake-off will be held Saturday, March 27 from 2:30 to 6:30 p.m. Three categories aren’t filled yet, according to Mrs. Janicki. Two spots are left in the sweet bread category, 3 in cookies, and 7 in the pie category. Winners can claim a certificate and a trophy,, and most importantly, Bragging Rights!!