Aliquippa city council held its monthly work session meeting last night and reappointed Myron Sainovich as solicitor. That’s according to Beaver County Radio News Correspondent Sandy Giordano. She says council also appointed Cheryl McFarland as the city’s finance director. Code Enforcement officer Mike Demcak announced that the PA Department of Environmental Resources will meet with city officials in council chambers today and conduct a field inspection and discuss the requirements of the MS4 program, which deals with storm water The MS4 is a storm water conveyance or system of storm water conveyances owned by the state, city, town, or village , or any public entity discharging to the waters in the United States.
There are several requirements outlined and the city is required to participate. The city obtained a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permi , which allows and controls direct discharge of storm water into navigable waters of the United States. Six minimum control measures addressed in the permit requirements.
Council meets in regular session Wednesday, August 3 at 7 p.m.