AARP Pennsylvania grants are in progress for communities in the state

(File Photo of the AARP logo)

(Reported by Danielle Smith of Keystone News Service)

(Harrisburg, PA) Pennsylvania cities or civic groups with ideas for improving their communities have a new chance to make them a reality. Grants from the AARP Community Challenge fund projects which do not take long to complete. Since 2017, Pennsylvania has given almost 500-thousand dollars in grants toward 41 projects. AARP Pennsylvania state director Bill Johnston-Walsh says this is the ninth year for the grants and the applications are being accepted for three different grant opportunities, capacity-building microgrants, demonstration, and what he explains are known as flagship grants. He says AARP Community Challenge Grants fund quick-action projects that boost “livability” and help improve walk and bike audits, home modifications, pedestrian safety and more. Applications are open now through March 5th.