Two Democrats Turn In Finance Reports

Two Democrats who recently got into the race to challenge Republican Senator Pat Toomey next year have turned in their initial campaign finance reports. Katie McGinty’s campaign says she raised just over $1 million through September. John Fetterman raised $170,000 over the course of a half-month.

Budget Stalemate Continues for a 100th Day

Pennsylvania’s budget stalemate goes on — for a 100th day – with state House members rejecting Governor Tom Wolf’s redrawn plan to raise gas drilling and income taxes. Nine of Wolf’s fellow Democrats joined House Republicans in voting against the plan yesterday. State Representative Jim Christiana is among the Republicans who voted against the plan.

ATI Lockout Continues

The main drag of Midland is still lined with signs and supporters for the local steelworkers who continue to walk the picket line. It’s been nearly two months now since roughly 250 Allegheny Technologies Inc. employees were locked out of the company’s Midland plant amid a standstill over a new contract. U.S.W. 1212 Local President Tony Tipsic tells Beaver County Radio that the company refuses to talk to the union and that the A.T.I. Steelworkers have been awarded unemployment benefits due to the lockout.

Beaver Falls Police Release Statement From Suspected Arsonist

The man accused of setting 11 arsons in Beaver Falls reportedly told police he caused the fires because he was tired of seeing abandoned homes in the city. 21-year-old Zachary Metcalf is charged with starting nine fires in Beaver Falls and two in White Township between August and September. Beaver Falls Police Chief Charles Jones confirmed to Beaver County Radio that he did make that statement to police, but Chief Jones says they’re not considering that an official motive for the long string of arsons in this case.

Six-Hour Standoff Ends Peacefully

A nearly six-hour standoff involving police in Harmony Township has ended with police arresting a man early this morning. Pittsburgh-area media report the standoff began after Robert Rankin allegedly walked around his yard in Harmony with a shotgun after an argument with his girlfriend.

Revised Wolf Tax Plan To Be Released Today

Governor Tom Wolf won’t say whether he’s been able to attract any support from Republican lawmakers for a tax plan he supports. Wolf yesterday warned that steep education funding cuts are inevitable if he can’t persuade enough lawmakers to back higher taxes. He’ll lay out a revised tax plan today.

Police: “Bored” nuke plant worker downloaded child porn

Police say a nuclear plant worker in Shippingport downloaded hundreds of child pornography pictures because he was bored. FirstEnergy Corporation says the company promptly reported the images when they were found in October 2013, and fired the worker from the Beaver Valley Power Station three days later. The state police Bureau of Criminal Investigation says 51 printed images of children ages 10 to 16 were found in Raymond Fischer Jr.’s open locker, and hundreds more on his work computer. He faces a preliminary hearing Oct. 13.

Beaver Considering Banning Skateboarding; Public Meeting Tonight

New skateboarding rules are being considered in Beaver. A meeting is being held tonight to find out what the public thinks of an ordinance that council is considering that would ban skateboarding after dark…and would require helmets to be worn during the day. Tonight’s meeting will begin at 6 p.m. at the municipal building on Third Street. The public is welcome to attend.

Beaver County Radio

Bishop Zubik talks about Pope Francis’ visit to America
