Press Conference At CCBC This Morning Previews Next Week’s Jobs Expo

A press conference was held  at the CCBC dome this morning  to announce the upcoming career expo and cracker plant training to be held next Thursday at 6 p.m,. According to Beaver County Radio News Correspondent Sandy Giordano,  speakers  included College president Dr. Chris Reber who welcomed  all.  Dr. Reber   said that the college is pleased to host next Thursday’s expo. There will be displays showing which trades are available throughout the dome. Charles “Skip” Homan who is the board chairman Larson Design Group, and chairman of the Beaver County Partnership for Community and Economic Growth.Mr. Homan said  the primary mission to get Beaver County growing again.”With a diverse group of leaders   we want to find out how we can  change the trend in the county>”he said there are well over 100 people involved, and more want  to get involved in the Beaver County partnership.” Jack Manning president of the Beaver County chamber of Commerce also spoke. Manning said the chamber is prepared to develop and promote the county for economic growth.”he said there is 7.6%  unemployment rate in the county, and  there are 1,000 job openings in the county.”We want the jobs to come to the county, manufacturing is critical to our economy.” Other participants in the program were Dave Wytiaz, administrative director at Beaver County  Career and Technology Center, Greg Hojdila IBEW Training director, Local Union 712, and mike mcDonald, Business manager Local Union 833 Construction and General Laborers. Union.

Aliquippa School Board Hires New Girls Basketball Coach

The Aliquippa School Board hired Michelle Witt as the high school girls basketball coach at last night’s meeting.  Beaver County Radio News Correspondent Sandy Giordano reports that she will earn $5,844 for the 2016-17 season.  Mark D;Alessandris resigned recently to coach  girls basketball at Avonworth. High school guidance counselor Kim Tonio was named the  liasion for the Lincoln Learning Solutions Credit Recovery After School program.  High School principal Alvin Gipson  explained that the program is for  seniors who  don’t have enough credits.  He said that the program is for 25-30 students.  Grades 9-12  are eligible, he added.  Mr. Gipson said we’ll concentrate on the seniors first  and next year have a program during the day for sophomores and juniors.  We’ll use our resources to get the parents to come in. Dr. Peter M Carbone told the board  that counselors identify the students who are eligible for the program, when board member Catherine Colalella  asked what the program was about. Board president Terry Swanson  congratulated Mr. Tonio for his efforts to bring the program to Aliquippa.

Hopewell Area School Board Meets To Discuss Shake-Up In Its Teacher Staff

Hopewell School Board met last night  and approved the retirement of 6th grade teacher Joyce Gratson.  Beaver County Radio News Correspondent Sandy Giordano reports that Gratson has taught in the district 22 years and  her retirement is effective 2/3/2017. A full time special education  teacher for grades k-4 was approved for Margaret Ross Elementary School effective today.  A special education aide  position was eliminated, and one was added at the junior high school with board approval because some  elementary students are now in junior high. The board’s regular meeting is on Nov. 22 at 7 p.m.

Christiana Defeats Rossi

State Representative Jim Christiana overwhelmingly defeated democrat Mike Rossi by nearly a 2 to 1 margin in the 15th legislative district in yesterday’s election. Rossi told Beaver County Radio newsman Pat Septak in an interview this morning that he has no regrets and hasn’t ruled out another run down the road. Christiana is staying on the job for a fifth term.

County Solicitor Had Friendship Ridge On Her Agenda For County Commissioners

Beaver County solicitor Andrew Cantelmi had Friendship Ridge on her agenda for the county commissioners, but according to Beaver County Radio’s Greg Benedetti, Cantelmi reserved her comments for executive sesssion. A private audit of the sale of Friendship Ridge shows the county is still owed 1-point-four-million dollars by the new owners, Comprehensive Healthcare. Because today’s talking points are behind closed doors, right now it’s not known what course of action the commissioners are considering.

Beaver County Commissioners Agree To Increase Cremation Fee

The Beaver County Commissioners met with coroner David Gabauer during their weekly work session today and agreed to increase the cremation fee charged funeral homes from ten to thirty dollars. Beaver County Radio’s Greg Benedetti reports that so far this year, there have been 628 cremations, up from last year’s 536. Gabauer said he expects this year’s autopsies to finish the calendar year at a cost of about 190-thousand dollars. As for the cremation fee, the money will be used to offset salaries for the coroner’s three part-time deputies. Two are paid 15-thousand and one is paid 17-5.

A Colonel And A Poet to Appear on “Frontiers In Learning” This Saturday.

(Beaver County, PA)  This Saturday, November 12, 2016,  will prove to be a very informative one on the airwaves as host Chris Shovlin will interview two special guests on the weekly show “Frontiers In Learning”.  Colonel Bill Pinter, the director of  the School of Aviation Sciences  at the Community College Of Beaver County.  In addition to Colonel Pinter, The second segment in this week’s show will include an interview with Greer LeRoy, a student at Lincoln Park Performing Arts  Charter School in Midland  who recently was named the statewide winner in the “Poetry Out Loud Contest”.

 “Frontiers In Learning” airs from noon to 12:30 on Saturdays on WBVP and WMBA.  Content and sponsorship are provided by Lincoln Learning Solutions.

Previous episodes of “Frontiers In Learning” can listened to here.

Election Day Is Here!

Today is Election Day. The polls opened at 7:00 this morning and will remain open until 8:00 tonight. The Beaver County Courthouse will be closed for non-election-related business today because of the elections. The county elections bureau will be open until 11:00 tonight, with access at the rear entrance of the building. The two biggest races on the ballot include the U.S. presidential contest between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump and the race between U.S. Senator Pat Toomey and Democratic challenger Katie McGinty. Tune in for all the election results with newsman Pat Septak Wednesday morning beginning at 6:30 a.m. on AM Beaver County on 1230 WBVP and 1460 WMBA.

Ambridge Borough Council Meets To Announce Hiring Of Three Part-Time Police Officers

Ambridge Borough Council met last night and Council president Mike mikulich presented a proclamation  to Debbie Michalik honoring her late husband Richard”Corky’ Michalik .  Beaver County Radio News Correspondent Sandy Giordano was there last night. Michalik worked for the borough for many years and died June 6, 2016, Mikulich said..  Mrs. Michalik and her children and grandchildren were on hand for the presentation Mikulich said “Corky” served God, , his family, his country (he was a Vietnam Vet), and his community.  The 2 men served in the U.S. Army in Vietnam. DEAunta’e Clark’s resignation as code enforcement officer was accepted effective this Thursday  Council will advertise  the position of part time code enforcement officer/firefighter. 3 part time police officers were hired, Alexis Korol, Lucas Sedar, and Darren Jones .  All 3 thanked council for hiring them. The fire department  was authorized to  submit   an application to FEMA  for a grant that would allow for the purchase of 30 self contained breathing apparatuses, and for improvements to the fire station. Mike Mikulich  reminded citizens that Friday is Veteran’s Day, and he will speak at Beaver Cemetery following the parade.

At Least 2 Rescued From Car Over Embankment On I-79

An accident on Interstate 79 caused significant delays during the Tuesday morning commute. A car headed northbound crashed over an embankment between Cranberry and Marshall. The accident was reported shortly after 7 a.m. It caused heavy delays in both directions. Firefighters pulled two people from the car. Both crash victims were taken by ambulance to local hospitals.