Ed & Peggy Hodge Benefit 3/10/19

The Rochester Junction City VFW #128 will be hosting a spaghetti dinner Benefit on Sunday, March 10th from 12 PM to 6 PM.


There will be basket raffles, a 50/50 drawing, desserts, cash bar and LIVE entertainment.

Adults: $10.00

Children 12 and under $5.00

Takeout available

Craft & Vendor show 3/16/19

Make plans to attend the Spring Craft & Vendor Show at the Beaver county Lighthouse, Saturday, March 16, 10 AM to 4 PM

720 3rd Ave.,  New Brighton, PA

Snacks & beverages will be available.

Plenty of parking.


Valentine’s Craft and Vendor Show Feb 9th

Beaver county Lighthouse presents


February 9, 2019   10:00 – 4:00

Unique Gifts all made with love.

Tasty Treats will be available.  There’s plenty of parking.

720 Third Ave., New Brighton, PA


Questions? Call Missy Allen 724-624-4600

INDOOR Fund-raiser Car Wash Feb 9th

The Darlington Volunteer Fire Department is sponsoring an INDOOR CAR WASH in the Fire Department Bay area.  Public Welcomed/Donations accepted.

Funds got to help the Darlington Volunteer Junior Fire Fighters.

Oldies Dance Friday, February, 15, 2019

Oldies Dance Friday, February, 15, 2019  Dance to 50’s through the 80’s

Time:  Bar 7-10 PM

Where:  Patterson Twp VFD –Darlington Road

Donation:  $15.00 per person or $25.00 per Couple


Proceeds benefit Carnegie Library of Beaver Falls

For ticket information call the library at 724-846-4340


The Beaver Falls Lions Club will be hosting BINGO at the Beaver County Lighthouse, 720 3rd Ave. in New Brighton on Saturday January 26th

Early Bird at 6:30

Regular BINGO starts at 7:00

Specials, Strip Tickets, food and fun!

Center at the Mall events

January 21, 2019    Soup Charity Benefit   10 AM

January 29, 2019    Rivers Casino Trip       9 AM

February 9, 2019    Black Tie Gala at the Fez   5 pm

Stop in at the Beaver Valley Mall or call 724-774-5654 or check us out on the web  www.centeratthemall.com/


Flea Market in Harmony. January 19th

THE FLEA MARKET IS BACK at the Harmony Museum: There will be another Harmony Flea Market at Stewart Hall. Saturday, January 19, 2019, 8 am – 2 pm,

Tables $14.00 each or 2 for $23.00 call the museum office at 724-452-7341 or Suzie Rape 724-452-5860 to reserve tables. Sell some treasures, or come browse and bargain hunt. Lunch available.

Spaghetti Dinner Saturday, Jan. 12. 2109

Beaver Valley Assembly No. 187

                          International Order of the Rainbow for Girls


will hold a Spaghetti Dinner on:

Saturday, January 12 from 1PM-7PM

Bridgewater United Methodist Church, 908 Market Street, Bridgewater, PA.

                                          (Please use side entrance)


Tickets are $10 for Adults, $8 for Children 3 thru 8

                                     Take outs are also available


The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls (IORG) is a Masonic youth service organization which teaches leadership training through community service. Girls (ages 11–20/21) learn about the value of charity and service through their work and involvement with their annual local and state Grand Service Projects.


Further questions or concerns may be addressed to Sandy Householder at 724 495-3340 or

Shirley Capo at 724 774-5928, Email:  jasper07@comcast.net


Register for Upcoming Citizens Police Academy

Citizens Police Academy is an informative, ten-week classroom series that gives an inside look at the Beaver/Vanport Area Police operations, while discussing the principles of community policing. The purpose is to promote a greater awareness and better understanding of local law enforcement’s continuously changing role in the community. Presented in a friendly, casual environment, the class covers a wide variety of subjects including Police communications, criminal law and procedures, street crime enforcement & investigations, and tours of local services. The course is open to all Beaver County residents 18 years & older who have no felony convictions. Applicants must agree to a no-charge criminal backgreound check.
The next CPA classes will start on Monday, March 11th in the Community Room at the Beaver Borough building and will continue to meet Monday evenings from 6-9 PM.

Applications can be picked up at the Beaver Police Department, or faxded and emailed, by calling Bonnie at 724-773-6709 X 101.