Northway Church in Rochester sponsoring 5K Color Run and Walk


Story by Sandy Giordano – Beaver County Radio. Published September 19, 2024 11:51 A.M.

(Rochester, Pa) Kylie Pusay, Northway church’s music director, announced last week that a 5k is to be held at Riverfront Park on Saturday, September  28, 2024 at 10am to benefit the Rochester School District. She said the focus is to help the community outside of the church. Ms. Pusay said in a recent phone interview 100-120 runners will participate. Runners will receive t-shirts blasted in colored powder. Walk-ins will also receive t-shirts, she said.

Beaver Valley Choral Society holding preview session

In a matter of days, men and women who enjoy singing can meet at a special preview session for “CAROLS BY CANDLELIGHT,” this year’s Advent concert presented by the Beaver Valley Choral Society. It promises to be an enjoyable fun-filled evening of sight-reading new music.

The informal two-hour session is open to the general public as well as BVCS members on Monday, August 26 at 7pm at New Brighton Methodist Church, 1033 Sixth Avenue, New Brighton. Music will be distributed at 6:30pm followed by the 7pm preview session. The group is under the leadership of BVCS Artistic Director and Principal Conductor Sharon Burchill.

Seasonal program selections include the title piece, “Candlelight Carol,” written by John Rutter; “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” arranged by Trevor Manor; the Lloyd Larson arrangement of “Long Ago Prophets Knew;” the traditional carol, “Lo How a Rose,” arranged by Mark Lehnowsky; “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence,”
arranged by Heather Sorenson; an a capella arrangement of “We Shall Light a Thousand Candles” by David Rasbach; Joseph M. Martin’s choral medley “Shepherd Carols;” plus the exuberant finale, “Carol Fantasia.”

An informational parent meeting for all Treble Youth Chorale singers will meet at 6:15pm that evening in the New Brighton Methodist Church café. The discussion is headed by TYC director Deb Silverstein. The Chorale is geared for children who range in age from eight years whose voices remain unchanged.

The first full rehearsal for the Adult Principal Choir and Treble Youth Chorale begins on Monday, September 11 at 7pm. The chamber orchestra begins rehearsing Monday, November 18.

Any interested adult men and women are encouraged to attend the preview session, with no commitment required. But the Choral Society always welcomes new singers and musicians to join its ranks. Auditioning is not a requirement, as long as a vocalist can sing tunefully. Orchestra members must be able to read music and play their instrument proficiently.

The volunteer 100-plus voice chorus was formed a century ago and celebrated its Diamond Jubilee this year. Prospective members should contact BVCS Membership Coordinator Judi Contino,

The Beaver Valley Choral Society is a landmark community, intergenerational, Christian faith-based, non-denominational, not-for-profit choral and orchestral arts music organization that values excellence, energy and entrepreneurial spirit. Visit our website