The New Brighton Historical Society Recently Purchased the Irish-Townsend House

(New Brighton, Pa.)  The New Brighton Historical Society has recently purchased the Irish-Townsend House—a building that has been in the New Brighton community for over 150 years—and is reaching out to its community for support in preserving this important piece of Beaver County history. The first phase of the restoration process is expensive, but it is an incredible opportunity to bring back this building as a focal point in the town.

The New Brighton Historical Society launched a GoFundMe Charity campaign with a goal of $75,000 to support the restoration.  

You can learn more here:


GoFundMe: Irish – Townsend House Restoration Phase 1

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Pa. State Rep. Josh Kail to Host Telephone Town Hall Meeting on Sept. 3

CENTER – Rep. Josh Kail (R-Beaver/Washington) will host a telephone town hall meeting for residents of the 15th Legislative District on Thursday, Sept. 3, beginning at approximately 5:30 p.m. The program will consist of an update on state-related issues and a question-and-answer session.

Residents with landlines who wish to participate should remain on the line until the meeting begins when they receive the call on Thursday afternoon.

“COVID-19 has impacted everyone, whether it’s the fear a parent has for his or her child not being able to play sports or the business owner who faces losing a business because of the virus,” Kail said. “My goal is to be a resource for everyone, and this call is a great opportunity to learn more about what’s being done legislatively, as well as the resources that are available.”

Residents who only have cell phones are invited to visit to sign up to be included on the call. As the Federal Communications Commission prohibits calls to cell phones without the owners’ consent, residents will not receive a call on their cell phones without taking this step.

By opting in, residents will be included on future telephone town hall meetings, but no more than three annually. The information will never be sold, and residents can manage their subscription at any time.

Residents who wish to call in may dial 877-229-8493 and use the ID code 118727.

There is also an option to join the call via webstreaming at, which will allow listeners to submit questions via a chat feature.

For more information about Kail and his legislative priorities, please visit or

United Way of Beaver County, Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank Hosting Food Distribution Saturday August 7, 2020

In partnership with the United Way of Beaver County, Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank is hosting a food distribution at the Beaver County Ice Arena Parking Lot  in  Brady’s Run Park on Saturday, August 8, 2020 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. . Due to the current circumstances they  are asking people to sign up for the distribution.  The details on how to sign up are below, but also know that people who do not make a reservation will not be turned away. 

The Food Bank will be able to serve up to 500 vehicles at this distribution with at least 50 pounds of food per reservation

For additional food, please contact your local food pantry or contact the Food Bank for information about how to find a pantry near you. You can find a pantry by using the “locator” tab on our website.

Please make a reservation in advance of for the event. Reservations allow them to serve you better by controlling traffic and making sure they have the right amount of food.  Your information will only be used to provide you food and help improve your service. Please read the instructions each time you register for a new event, as our rules may change week-to-week.
Reservation Instructions
  • Please make a reservation prior to the event. Reservations allow us to serve you better by controlling traffic and making sure we have the right amount of food.
  • Select the date of the event you would like to attend.
  • Provide your name, email address, and license plate number.
  • Click “Begin Reservation.” On the next screen, answer the questions to complete your reservation.
There are no exceptions to one reservation getting one share of food. For one car to get two or three shares of food, the car must have more than one family or household. Each household must complete a separate reservation. The same car and license plate can be used up to three times for the same event.

The start time, 11 a.m. is the soonest you will be allowed to enter the distribution line. You must arrive in the vehicle used to make this reservation. As long as you arrive in a vehicle with a reservation between the start time and the end time of the event, you will receive food. The distribution will end promptly at 1 p.m. Drive-up service will be discontinued at that time.

The Food Bank is asking individuals to follow these guidelines:
  • For everyone’s safety, individuals attending the distribution must stay in their vehicles at all times. This will help us maintain six-foot social distancing guidelines. Leaving cars to socialize is strictly prohibited.
  • After pulling into “distribution row”, please put your vehicle in park and unlock your trunk or backseat for food to be loaded. Volunteers will not load food into vehicles until they are in park. Please stay in your vehicle.

Serbian Club in Aliquippa to Hold Car Cruise This Sunday July 26, 2020

(File Photo)

(Aliquippa, Pa.) On Sunday July 26, 2020  from 1-5 p.m. the American Serbian Club, 2619 Brodhead Road , Aliquippa is sponsoring a car cruise. Ryder will be spinning out the tunes and  food will be sold inside and outside. There will be  A 50/50 raffle. Participants and visitors are asked to follow CDC and PA Department of health guidelines while attending the event, according to  club officials.

Faith Restoration To Hold Drive-Thru Food Collection Drive In Chippewa On May 2

After a successful week that saw those in need get their fair share of food during these difficult times, Faith Restorations is doing it again. This time they are pairing with the Chippewa United Methodist Church for a drive-through food donation drive this Saturday from 8 AM to 11 AM at their community life center.

Caren Turbull of the C.U.M.C. spoke to Beaver County Radio News about how the food drive got started:


She also explained where people can pick up food once it’s collected: 


All food donations made to the drive must be non-perishable.

Remainder of the BVCCA Concerts for 2020 Season Have Been Canceled

(Beaver Falls, Pa.) The Beaver Valley Community Concert Association has announced that the remainder of the 2019- 2020 season has been cancelled due to concerns over the Coronaviras.

Rhonda Ficca, Co-President sent out the following press release to Beaver County Radio concerning the remaining two concerts that were scheduled for this season:

I just received a call from the Beaver Falls School District Mr. Possett informing me of a decision today that was just made to stop  non school activities for the remainder of the school year.  I specifically asked if that included their school musical and he was unclear and said it may be postponed again. However what was clear that we the BVCCA which is a non school event must cancel our April 6 and May 7 shows. We are trying to reschedule and appreciate your understanding and patience.


Rhonda Ficca

Stay tuned to Beaver County Radio for more updates.

COVID-9 Testing Site opens TODAY

Central Outreach Wellness Center in Aliquippa is a site for testing for the  COVID -19  coronavirus. starting today.    The site is located  at 2360 Hospital Drive upper Suite 1. The phone number is 724-707-1155. A site in Pittsburgh, and one in Washington, PA are doing the testing, also.

Annual Memorial Triathlon 5/23/20

Annual Memorial Triathlon

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Triathlon Starts at 8:00 AM at the New Brighton High School Gymnasium


Swimming 450 Yards (9 Laps)

Biking 11 Miles – Biking Route Map

Running 5K – Running Route Map

Open to Males and Females 18 Years of Age or Older

Team Registration: $90.00-$100.00/Team  

Early Registration (On or Before April 13): $50.00/Individual

Regular Registration (April 14 – May 11): $60.00 / Individual

Late Registration (On or After May 12): $60.00 / Individual (No T- Shirt)

Registration Fees are Non-Refundable. Additional USA Triathlon fees may apply.

Register and Pay Online Now!

Additional Online Payment Fee Applies

Click below for:

USA Triathlon Membership Application       USA Triathlon Participant Waiver

Easter Egg Hunt in Aliquippa 4/4/20

Aliquippa  Parks and Recreation’s Annual Easter Egg hunt is scheduled for Saturday, April 4 at 11 a.m. at the park next to Uncommon Grounds. Anyone wishing to donate for the event can drop  their candy or other donations at  the fire station on Kennedy Boulevard.