Cancer is a disease that affects everyone either directly or through the experiences of a loved one. The Relay For Life is an event held across America at different times of the year, in support of the American Cancer Society and the fight to find a cure for cancer.
Rick Plassmeyer is one of head operators of the Beaver County Relay For Life, which begins on June 16 at 10:00 AM at the Brady’s Run Walking Trail in Fallston, and continues for 24 consecutive hours into Sunday morning. Plassmeyer, a two-time cancer survivor, spoke on A.M. Beaver County with Matt Drzik; emphasizing the weekend’s activities, its goals for donations, and all of the fun and food that can be found at this weekend’s event.
If you missed the interview or want to hear it again, click on the players below!
The Knights of Columbus Beaver Valley Council #604, in cooperation with the McGuire Memorial Foundation, will be presenting their 14th Annual Golf Outing at Blackhawk Golf Course on July 14th. Shotgun start is at 8:00 A.M. for golfers participating in the scramble.
Council #604 Grand Knight Dennis Garrett and McGuire Memorial Foundation Director of Development Joyce Lewis-Andrews joined Matt Drzik to talk about this year’s Golf Outing, including golfer protocol (what to expect, what to bring) as well as what these two organizations have planned for future events.
If you missed this interview on A.M. Beaver County or want to listen again, click on the players below!
It has become one of the best ways to spend a hot summer night, and the organizers of the 2018 Beaver County Boom–PUSH Beaver County, Zambelli Fireworks and Beaver County Radio among them–are recognizing that this year.
Matt Drzik was joined by committee members Mark & Nate Kopsack from PUSH Beaver County, as well as Dr. George Zambelli from Zambelli Fireworks, to talk about “Hot Summer Nights”: this year’s Beaver County Boom that will be on June 23, 2018. The evening will feature mini-food trucks, a concert at Thursday’s, and many other activities and festivities for attendees. All of which culminates in a choreographed fireworks display that will be shown over the Beaver River at 9:45.
Don’t forget, Beaver County Radio will be at Thursday’s broadcasting The Wrangler Band’s live performance, as well as at Bridgewater Park with the Personality Prize Wheel!
If you missed the interview from earlier, don’t worry! You can check it out by clicking below.
State Representative Jim Christiana made his thoughts about cancer bluntly on Wednesday morning:
He, along with several other county dignitaries and doctors, greeted and broke ground with the Allegheny Health Network on a new Cancer Institute to be built on Wagner Road in Center Township near the Beaver Valley Mall. The $20 million facility is set to feature state-of-the-art technology and world-class cancer care, so stated AHN Chair of the Cancer Institute:
The AHN Cancer Institute of Beaver County, expected to open up in 2019, is also expected to bring an economic boost to Beaver County, one that State Representative Jim Marshall is happy about:
County Commissioner Dan Camp also spoke at the groundbreaking, agreeing that the facility will bring jobs to the county, but that the most important aspect will affect the county’s citizens who are suffering:
Also in attendance were fellow commissioners Tony Amadio and Sandie Egley, former commissioner Joe Spanik, and Chamber of Commerce Director Jack Manning.
The Annual May History and Health Fair returns for Senior Day At The Mall to the Beaver Valley Mall this Wednesday May 9. Angela Gentile, director of the Beaver County Office On Aging, joined Matt Drzik on A.M. Beaver County on May 4 to discuss this year’s edition.
This year’s History & Health Fair features over 50 vendors that provide information and exhibits, as well as screenings. Beaver County Radio will be there broadcasting live with Frank Sparks and Kaisha Jantsch from 10 until Noon with the Personality Prize Wheel. There will be entertainment at Noon at the Center at The Mall, featuring the Croatian singing ensemble Sveti Nikola.
For more information on the Office On Aging, visit To hear the FULL interview with Matt and Angela, click the players below.
The tax deadline is several days passed for 2018, but many Americans–and particularly, Beaver County residents–find themselves still in the throes of tax resolution.
Owner John Pournaras and Tax Preparer Rae Lockhart from the John Pournaras Agency joined Matt Drzik on the May 1 edition of A.M. Beaver County to discuss the issues involving tax resolution, the difference between filing and paying your taxes, and a rebate rule in Pennsylvania that some may not be aware of.
To watch the full interview, click on the Facebook Live feed from its original broadcast below:
The Panama McCormack Foundation is a foundation that was started by Tom and Linda McCormack in order to “improve the quality of life for hard-working individuals and families in Panama”, as per their mission statement. Tom also owns and co-operates (with Linda) McCormack Apiaries in Aliquippa, which is a bee farm that produces honey that is sold at the Beaver and Ambridge Farmer’s Markets.
Tom McCormack joined Matt Drzik on A.M. Beaver County on April 30 to discuss the Panama McCormack Foundation, and its drive every year to collect prosthetic arms and legs, as well as other medical supplies for the citizens of Panama. Tom, a retired Vietnam veteran, spoke about what items are needed, and how they get sent to the country where he spends 6 months out of every calendar year. He also commented on his Apiary, where he houses bees away from pesticide-ridden areas.
Dorothy Gale said it best; “there’s no place like home”.
Now while Dorothy won’t be detouring through Midland on the way to Emerald City, 8 other casts of characters will be parading through “You’re Home”, the 2018-19 Highmark Subscription Series at the Lincoln Park Performing Arts Center announced Friday afternoon in front of a packed–and raucous–crowd of students, faculty, and local representatives alike.
The series will kick off with “Sweeney Todd”, the classic tale of the revenge-driven barber, which runs three weekends from October 5-7 through 19-21. Two Christmas shows will be included, as “Miracle on 34th Street” and “The Nutcracker” will be part of the Series in late November and early December. The other five shows for the Subscription Series include: “Addams Family: Young @ Part”, “Snow White: The Ballet”, “The Three Musketeers”, “Singin’ In The Rain”, and “In The Heights”.
The student-majority crowd loudly signaled their approval of next year’s productions, and one of the reasons is the variety of styles that will be displayed, so says senior Allie Raggazini:
One of the featured performers was Amanda Gross, who is currently starring in “Big Fish” currently in its last weekend, and will be starring in “In The Heights”, the final musical in the Series set to premiere on June 24, 2019. Gross says that her multi-tasking style is fit to such a hectic repertoire:
Of course, many of the students are hoping for a chance to participate in the shows for the Highmark Series, and one may wonder how a student can focus on academics and rehearsals all into one. Lincoln Park student Elijah Groves talked about his philosophy on such a conflict:
For more information, go to Beaver County Radio thanks Lincoln Park for making us part of this announcement. And check out some great pictures from this afternoon!
The Beaver Falls Business District Authority is presenting the first Spring Festival “Market Days” to Beaver Falls on Saturday, May 5. The event will feature food, yard sales, flea market vendors, and live entertainment on the 1200 block of 8th Avenue.
Diane Brosius will be doing “Yankee Trader Live” from the Spring Festival from 12:30 until 2.
Rick Crawford, the Executive Chairman of the BFBDA, joined Matt Drzik on April 27’s edition of A.M. Beaver County to discuss this new event, including the traffic patterns that will ensue. Also, at this new Spring Festival the one and only Diane Brosius will he hosting “Yankee Trader Live”, as festival participants can buy, sell, trade, or give away their belongings from 12:30 until 2:00. Further details of the day’s events and main attractions can be found by going to the Beaver Falls Business District Authority Facebook page.
To hear the full interview with Matt and Rick Crawford, clck on the players below.
The request for a liquor license transfer by a New Brighton business owner, in order to open up a convenience store near Four Corners, was officially submitted to the New Sewickley Township board of directors at a public meeting Thursday night. Matt Drzik was at that meeting, and he has further details: