The St. Anthony Society of West Aliquippa celebrated its 85 year old history with a mass at St. Titus Church followed by a reception complete with hors deovures, pastries of all types and beverages at the hall in West Aliquippa. Beaver County Radio News Correspondent Sandy Giordano reports that about 100 persons attended the event at the site of the former West Aliquippa Swimming Pool. The group purchased the site several years ago from the city, according to former mayor Anthony Battalini for $5,000. Battalini is the president of the society. Bill DiCioccio, Sr. is vice president, secretary is Marie Bertoni, treasurer is Cil Casciato. The group had approximately 400 members, now there’s 300, most of them elderly. The group fundraised and donations of about $20,000 made the site a reality, the group said. Every year at Christmas the group donates to the women’s shelter, Salvation Army, and St. Anthony’s in Troy Hill.
Author: Beaver County Radio
Next Beaver County Bucco Believer Ticket Giveaway Announced
(Beaver County, PA) Beaver County Children and Youth Services and Beaver County Radio, 1230 WBVP and 1460 WMBA, are partnering together to “Foster Fun In Your Community” this summer”. Listen for your chance this week to answer Pirates trivia questions and get registered in a family four pack of bucco tickets giveaway for the upcoming Pirates-Giants game at PNC Park on June 22, 2016. the winner will be announced and notified during the Saturday Morning Sports Slam this Saturday between 8 A.M. and 10 A.M. on WBVP and WMBA. Upcoming “Beaver County Bucco Believer” ticket Give-a-ways of family four packs of Pirates tickets include:
July 19 vs. The Milwaukee Brewers
July 27 vs. Seattle Mariners
August 9 vs. The San Diego Padres
August 22 vs. The Houston Astros
Penguins 3–2016 Stanley Cup Winner!!– vs.Sharks 1 (Final)
Beaver Falls Car Cruise Is A Huge Success.
(Beaver Falls, PA) Thousands of spectators and car owners descended on Beaver Falls on Saturday June 11. 2016 for the annual Beaver Falls Car Cruise. Ron Lewis Automotive sponsored and organized the event, which was co-chaired by Steve Peterson, Adam Peterson and Tom Gargaro. Beaver County Radio, WBVP and WMBA broadcast from the event on 7th Avenue right out in front of the station offices.
Several people won prizes as part of the Beaver Falls Passport Program including:
- 2 Cases of Coca Cola from Gabby’s Lounge – Meg Erick
- Purse and hand bag – Jessica McNeely
- ’57 Chevy car model from the Antique Emporium – Mr. Jordan
- Dukes DVD’s – Michelle Blinken
- Vocelli Pizza certificate – William Brooks
- $15 Gift Certificate to Oram’s Donuts – Christie Starkey
- Vocelli Pizza certificate – Erin Brown
- Vocelli Pizza certificate – William Watson
- $15 Gift Certificate to Oram’s Donuts – Daryl Simmons
- $25 Gift Certificate to Lil’ Joes – Naomi Starr
- Grand Prize Winner of a 50 inch led flat screen TV – Frances Jurasko
Winners may pick up their prizes at WBVP/WMBA 1316 7th Avenue, Beaver Falls, PA 15010 during normal business hours. For more information call 724-846-4100.
Pictures from The Beaver Falls Car Cruise:
Negotations Expected to Resume Soon Between Beaver County Commissioners And Union Members
The Beaver County Commissioners have reportedly been discussing ways to work around some numbers and figure out how both sides in their contract dispute between union members of the commissioners residual unit can be happy with a contract. It seems as though there will be another contract offered but the two sides have to get together. Commissioner Dan Camp told Mike Romigh on Teleforum this morning that that may happen as early as Friday afternoon. The union is planning to take a strike vote this Wednesday. They were only out for a day earlier this week but the next strike vote would be whether it should be long-term or a three-day strike.
Freedom HS Students Drive Tractors To Class On Last Day
Students at Freedom Area High School cruised to class in style this morning. Senior students were escorted by New Sewickley Township police. The kids drove around a dozen tractors into school for their last day. The tractor ride has been a tradition for the last 20 years. Students who wished to participate gathered at Big Knob Grange. This year, even the principal reportedly rode in on a tractor.
Rep. Christiana Introduces Bill To Abolish All Property Taxes In Pennsylvania
State Representative Jim Christiana has introduced a bill that would abolish all property taxes in Pennsylvania. Under House Bill 2145, property taxes would be eliminated on July 1st, 2017. Christiana tells Beaver County Radio newsman Pat Septak that there are currently 30 alternative plans or proposals in the state legislature and that he was a few ideas of his own. Christiana calls property taxes the most un-American taxes on the books.
Midland Police Officer Recognized For Outstanding Police Work
Midland police officer Ron Lutton was recognized by Mayor Angela Adkins and council for his outstanding police work in the community. Beaver County Radio News Correspondent Sandy Giordano reports that Lutton was presented with a proclamation by Sgt. Robert Adams. Officer Lutton received the 2015 Drug enforcement award by Beaver County for his work with drug investigations in the community.
Midland Boro Manager Diane Kemp retires June 30 after 14 years with the borough, and council and her husband and one of her grandsons were present to honor her. Mayor Adkins presented her with a proclamation and council president Kim Yope wrote an original poem which was in a frame. Mrs. Kemp’s husband Ron presented her with a cake, and council also presented her with a bouquet of roses.Elizabeth (Betsy) McIntyre takes over in a newly created position as secretary treasurer on July 1. Borough secretary Amber Mineard resigned from her position effective May 18.
Beaver Falls Police Shoot Suspect
Police in Beaver Falls shot a man after he held another man at gunpoint and pointed the gun at responding officers. Beaver County District Attorney David Lozier says Kevin Haskins entered a Beaver Falls home Wednesday afternoon and tried to forcefully take something. Nine people were inside the home, including six children.Authorities say Haskins pointed the gun at three responding officers and pulled the trigger. The gun never went off. Two officers then shot him in the hip and legs. The 24-year-old has been airlifted to a hospital for surgery. His condition isn’t known. No one else was hurt. Haskins faces charges including attempted homicide and aggravated assault.
Beaver Murder Victim Remembered At Emotional Vigil
Family and friends gathered last night to remember a woman murdered in her Beaver apartment. The suspect was transferred back to the state as the investigation continues. State police say 26-year-old Edward Baker Jr. arrived back at the Beaver County Jail last night. He was transferred back to the area from Clark County, Kentucky. Police say he fled there after the shooting death of his former girlfriend. A suspect in the case, Baker was arrested Tuesday morning. Meanwhile, the victim – 30-year-old Addaleigh Huzyak was remembered during a candlelight vigil. Around 60 people stood outside the apartment building where Huzyak lived. It’s also where she died Sunday night. Baker is accused of shooting Huzyak in the head. Baker is also a registered sex offender from a prior offense. Baker has been charged with criminal homicide.