The Relay For Life Begins Tomorrow At Brady’s Run Walking Trail

Cancer is a disease that affects everyone either directly or through the experiences of a loved one. The Relay For Life is an event held across America at different times of the year, in support of the American Cancer Society and the fight to find a cure for cancer.

Rick Plassmeyer is one of head operators of the Beaver County Relay For Life, which begins on June 16 at 10:00 AM at the Brady’s Run Walking Trail in Fallston, and continues for 24 consecutive hours into Sunday morning. Plassmeyer, a two-time cancer survivor, spoke on A.M. Beaver County with Matt Drzik; emphasizing the weekend’s activities, its goals for donations, and all of the fun and food that can be found at this weekend’s event.

If you missed the interview or want to hear it again, click on the players below!

Part 1

Part 2