“Final Warning” Is The Latest Novel From Joseph Max Lewis

It is written in the Gospel of John–Chapter 18, Verse 38–that Pontius Pilate told Jesus Christ “What is truth?” before a futile attempt to avoid the punishment that would soon lead to the death and resurrection that Christians still celebrate in faith to this day.

It is in that spirit–that of Christian faith amidst a world confused on what the truth is–that Joseph Max Lewis wrote “Final Warning”, the fifth novel and latest in his series around “The Diaries Of Pontius Pilate”.

Max talked about his latest work with Matt Drzik on A.M. Beaver County, and he described the backdrop behind this novel that is rooted in today’s political and justice-seeking turmoil. The novel stems from a “100% Christian” perspective (as Max said), but also dips into the concept of narrative-based journalism and commentary where citizens and groups alike puts their beliefs and hopes before (or in defiance of) facts.

Also an attorney in Western Pennsylvania, Lewis described how his understanding of the law played an essential role in “Final Warning”, which is available wherever books are sold, as well as Lewis’ personal website.

To hear the full interview between Max & Matt, click on the player below!