Awards presented at Lincoln Park in Writing and Publishing

Story by Sandy Giordano – Beaver County Radio. Published June 7, 2023 9:26 A.M.

(Midland, PA) Dan Leroy, Director of Writing and Publishing at Lincoln Park Performing Arts Charter School in  Midland announced the winners of the 17th annual Writing Awards Ceremony on May 24, 2023. The event took place in the Black Box Theater. He told those in attendance .”This is one of the oldest traditions at Lincoln Park, and it’s also one of the best.” The program’s success gave them the ability to this caliber of judges, year after year, he added.  He was joined in Alumni Hall by Writing and Publishing Instructor Cindy West. They each presented a variety of awards to students, including a pair of awards for West’s middle school students. Original work was presented in six different categories, their work Leroy said, was sent anonymously to professionals in the relevant fields. Winners and runners-up in each literary genre. Winners received cash prizes.

Lincoln Park’s Writing Award winners and judges for 2023 were:
Fiction winner was Ivanna Smith judged by Frederic S. Durbin, Runners-up were: Mary Bartels, Mia Clemons, and Ava Lockette. Poetry winner was Taylor Hill judged by Malcolm Friend, Runner-up was Jade Davis, Creative Nonfiction winner was Felicity Portoulas, judge was Carol Silvis. Runner-up was Kathryn Dew, Honorable Mention was Mia Clemons. Screenwriting  winner was Zoe Gianfresco and runner-up was Emma Giammanco. They were judged by Eileen Enwright Hodgetts. Academic Essay winner was Frances Huffman and runner-up was Mary Bartels, they were judged by Dr. Courtney Druzak. Rookie of the Year Award winners were: Mary Bartels Felicity Portoulas.

The Atom Atkinson Award was presented to Curtjuan Moore, Commitment to the Craft Award, Taylyn McCray, Community of Writers Award was presented to Lydia Young, Jim Daniels Award was presented to Grace Anderson. SIREN AP Stylin’ Award winners were Grace Anderson and Jade Davis. BatCatPress Award Zoe Gianfresco and Frances Huffman. Shel Silverstein Award was presented to Elias Abell.

The Evie Adams Award winner was Emma Giammanco.
Prior to the awards presentation, nine senior members of  the Writing and Publishing Department participated in the annual  Senior Reading , where each soon-to-be graduate read original work.

Volume 17 of Pulp, Lincoln Park’s award-winning student literary journal was released. The journal is a collaboration between the Writing and Publishing and Media departments, Mr. leroy said. Several short student films were screened in the Black Box Theater as well, and student art was on display in the atrium.