House Democrats Block Bernstine’s Transformative School Choice Amendment

HARRISBURG – State House Democrats today blocked an effort by Rep. Aaron Bernstine (R-Butler/Lawrence) to drastically expand educational freedom in Pennsylvania.

Bernstine offered an amendment to an education bill being considered by the House that would have ensured all families have equal access and maximum flexibility in schooling options.

If adopted, it would have been one of the most transformative school choice bills in the nation.

Instead, House Democrats used a parliamentary maneuver to block Bernstine’s amendment to House Bill 688 from debate and vote.

Bernstine expressed disappointment in his House colleagues:

“No child should be forced to attend a certain school just because of their ZIP code. Too many kids are trapped in schools that aren’t working for them. Adopting this amendment would have given those kids the resources and schooling options to succeed. I’m beyond disappointed that my Democrat colleagues chose to play partisan games with our kids’ futures by shutting down debate and blocking a vote.

“I firmly believe that parents are the best equipped to make decisions about their children’s education. School choice is not about favoring one school over another, it’s about letting families choose the education that best suits their child. I will continue to advocate for policies that expand school choice options and provide all children with the opportunity to receive an excellent education, regardless of their ZIP code or family income. House Democrats today voted against giving every single child in Pennsylvania the chance to attend a school that fits their needs.”