What Are Beaver County’s Top Priorities? List Revealed At Commissioners’ Work Session

(Matt Drzik/Beaver County Radio)

With December just a day away, the Christmas season will be flanked by those reviewing the year and releasing their year-end lists. Beaver County has received such a list–but theirs is for 2023, instead.

Before the Thanksgiving break, the Beaver County Commissioners attended the CCAP (County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania) Fall conference, in which Beaver County learned of its list of the CCAP Top 6 Priorities for 2023. Commissioner Jack Manning revealed the list, as follows:

  1. 911 Reauthorization Funding (set to expire in 2024)
  2. County Inmate Mental Health Issues
  3. Increase General Mental Health Funding
  4. Complex Behavioral Health Issues
  5. Broadband Access
  6. Election Integrity

Manning found it interesting that half of the list came from the mental health category, but understood why this was the case. “Beaver County has just as many issues as any other county in the country, quite frankly,” he stated. “[We] struggle with, particularly in the jails, in our inability to really have the right resources to that stuff.” Conversely, Manning felt that the county had a “pretty good handle” on Election Integrity, as he announced that Beaver County officially had certified their 2022 Election Results.

The future was also the focus of Brenda Applegate, who announced at Wednesday’s work session that moves were being made in the restoration of the porch at the Vicary Mansion in Freedom. The Executive Director of the Beaver County Historical Landmarks & Research Foundation revealed that Somerset-based Landmarks SGA to be the architects to spearhead the porch restoration project, chosen due to its Western Pennsylvania origins, presentation to the BCHRLF, and prior works and connections to Beaver County. Applegate also announced that the BCHRLF is seeking additional grant funding for the porch through State Representative Rob Matzie.

The next Commissioners’ work session is scheduled for December 7 at 10:00 AM.