Former Pa Attorney General Kane Seeking Dismissal of DUI Case Against Her

Former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane, center, is led to court as she arrives for a hearing on an alleged probation violation, at the Montgomery County Courthouse in Norristown, Pa., Monday, May 23, 2022. Pennsylvania’s former top law enforcement officer, who served jail time for leaking secret investigative files and lying about it, faces the prospect of more time behind bars after she was arrested for drunken driving in March. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)
SCRANTON, Pa. (AP) — The attorney for Pennsylvania’s former top law enforcement officer is arguing that a drunken-driving case against her should be dismissed due to lack of evidence. The (Scranton) Times-Tribune reports that the defense wants prosecutors barred from presenting results of a field sobriety test of former attorney general Kathleen Kane as well as testimony about her refusal to submit to a blood alcohol test. Kane, the first woman and first Democrat to be elected attorney general in the state, is awaiting trial in Lackawanna County Court on DUI and careless driving charges in a minor Scranton accident in March. She denies she was intoxicated, saying her car slid on ice.