Ambridge Superintendent Releases Statement After Videos Surface on Social Media of Fights

(File Photo)

Story by Sandy Giordano, Beaver County Radio News
(Ambridge, Pa.) Ambridge Area School Superintendent Dr. Joseph Pasquerilla issued a statement Friday morning after videos surfaced on social media of fights between middle school students on school property.

Dr. Pasquerilla said via release that that ” the school board and members of the administration worked diligently over the summer to enhance the district’s discipline and safety plans. I have confidence in our administrators that appropriate discipline will be given for any issues that did occur.” He said the safety of students and staff is of utmost importance. Prior school year incidents were resolved, he said it appears that some of the videos are old. No significant physical altercations  have occurred this year, with the exception of one bus incident, the matter was investigated , discipline was issued, and law enforcement was notified. Student misconduct at the middle school regarding  inappropriate use of pencils   was addressed promptly . Dr. Pasquerilla  said the district will  continue its efforts to  forge a school culture based upon respect  and responsibility.

He added,” We will continue these efforts to  forge a school culture  based  upon respect and personal responsibility”.