(Matt Drzik/Beaver County Radio)
With the warmer weather coming to Beaver County (albeit at a glacial rate), the parks in the County are soon to be filled with citizens taking in nature, exercising, or spending time with their pets among other things. And one of those parks may be getting some upgrades.
The issue was brought up by Commissioner Tony Amadio at the Wednesday work session, as he asked Public Works director Dan Colville about the water lines at Brady’s Run Park. Colville had mentioned that he and Waste Management director Holly Vogt met with the Beaver Falls Municipal Authority about the matter. The BFMA informed them that there were no water lines in the back of the park that were available.
“What they’re recommending is that we upgrade our water line going into the park,” Colville stated, “which would be a significant upgrade from what we have now…it would be a significant upgrade to an eight-inch line with some hydrants and fire protection at the [Brady’s Run] Lodge, fire protection for the Four Seasons, and probably an additional one or two more just for blow-off reasons to flush the line out.”
Colville also brought up the necessity for sewage pump upgrades, and Commissioner Amadio was hopeful that the potential upgrades would be done within the window of current ARPA funding: “If we’re gonna do it, or if we’re thinking about doing it, now’s the time.” Commissioner Chairman Dan Camp asked that DPW and the County continue to pursue talks with the BFMA over whether or not their assistance is a necessity or whether the county will move along with potential upgrades on their own.
The Commissioners’ next work session is scheduled for 10:00 AM on April 13.