(Story by Beaver County Radio News Correspondent Curtis Walsh)
(Rochester, PA) The Rochester Area school board met Monday night for a voting session. The board voted to approve a request by Dance, Inc. to use the building to host a holiday production in December at a cost of $1,665, and also for Eugina Priest to host a Dr. Martin Luther King Celebration for the Annual Student Oratorical Semi-Final Program in November at a cost of $51. The board also approved Michael Cunning to serve as Bocce Co-Coach for the Winter Interscholastic Unified Bocce Team, due to the resignation of Jennifer Milne. The bills were paid at at cost of $1,096,830.96 for the general fund and $21,323.79 for the cafeteria fund. The board approved 3 new paraprofessionals for the district as well as a new head cook and general assistant for the Nutrition Services Department. School Board member Annette Hubbard was awarded for 8 years of service by the Pennsylvania School Boards Association.