Trump administration plans 2nd execution in as many days

Trump administration plans 2nd execution in as many days
By MICHAEL TARM AP Legal Affairs Writer
TERRE HAUTE, Ind. (AP) — The Trump administration plans to continue its unprecedented series of post-election federal executions by putting to death a Louisiana truck driver who abused his 2-year-old daughter for weeks, then killed her by slamming her head against a truck’s windows and dashboard. Lawyers for 56-year-old Alfred Bourgeois argue he is in the intellectually disabled category and that federal law should bar his execution on Friday. Bourgeois would be the 10th federal death-row inmate put to death since federal executions resumed under President Donald Trump in July after a 17-year hiatus. He would be the second person executed this week at a federal prison in Terre Haute, Indiana. Three more executions are planned in January.