Worried About Your Retirement? Do Something About It. Get Answers This Sunday at 10 A.M. From Michael Battalini.

As President and CEO of The Pittsburgh Wealth Management Group, Michael Battalini is devoted to helping people protect and grow the assets they have accumulated over their lifetime.  One of the ways he helps others accomplish this is by hosting a very informative, weekly radio show on WBVP and WMBA called “Retirement Income Radio”.  The program can be heard on Sundays from 10 until 11 A.M.

Michael Battalini is a fully licensed investment professional, Series 7 (General Securities License) and Series 63 (Securities Agent for States). He is also a fully licensed Life, Annuity and Health Insurance Agent. Michael has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Robert Morris University. Michael is also a Registered Financial Consultant RFC®

Michael Battalini

Custom financial planning for retirees and pre-retirees throughout the country is Michael’s focus. His expertise in shielding client investments from stock market loss is a strategy that has become especially important in today’s volatile market and ever changing economy. Sound advice about a lifetime of income security with consideration paid to tax implications is what you can expect in working with Michael and the Pittsburgh Wealth Management Group.

Join Mike Battalini for the Retirement and Income Radio Show on Sundays from 10 A.M. to 11 AM.  on WBVP and WMBA You can also call Mike Battlini now for your complimentary customized, Retirement and Income Kit and 115-page Retirement and Income  Book at 844-449-7233 (SAFE)That’s 844-449-7233 (SAFE)