Horse Arena, K9 Lease Among Issues At Commissioners’ Work Session

(Matt Drzik/Beaver County Radio)

Just another dog and pony show? Well, not quite.

The continuing saga of the grant from the Roethlisberger Foundation took a sharp turn on Wednesday at the Commissioners’ work session, where Chairman Dan Camp gave a clue as to who the responsibility falls upon:


The declaration essentially would allow Sheriff Tony Guy to handle the situation of adding a new K9 unit to his staff through lease or purchase without any necessity to inform or involve the County Commissioners. However, Sheriff Guy explained that he told the Commissioners what he was doing as a courtesy:


Commissioner Sandie Egley, who had been opposed to the process of the grant (but not the hiring of a K9 unit), said that she’d rather have known about it sooner from the Sheriff’s office before they proceeded.

Egley, however, did have some good and encouraging news later in the meeting. A pair of citizens came out to express their concerns over the Horse Arena at Brady’s Run Park, amid rumors that it was to be replaced soon. Commissioner Egley reassured that such plans were not being put in motion:


Meanwhile, Commissioner Tony Amadio spoke out (with Camp and Egley in agreement) against the issues involving the Brighton Township water supply, claiming that the County shouldn’t have to pay extra to provide a service to a municipality:


The Commissioners will hold their bi-weekly public meeting tomorrow at the Courthouse with a start time of 10 AM.