Special Day And Time Announced To Talk Real Estate with Eric McKenna This Week.

(Beaver County, PA)   A special edition of “Your Personal Realtor”  with ReMax Advanced realtor  Eric McKenna , will air this Wednesday, April 19 from 2 until 3:30 P.M.  on 1230 WBVP and 1460 WMBA.  The move was made to accommodate the annual Rotary Radio Auction, which will air on Saturday April 22, 2017 from 8 A.M. to 2 P.M.   Normally, McKenna’s popular show can be heard on Saturday mornings

“The ReMax Real Estate Ram” – the vehicle to move real estate in Beaver County, as seen the the Beaver County Maple Syrup Festival April 1, 2017.

from 10:30 to noon and it will return to it’s normal time the following week.

When asked about the move, Eric McKenna said “I’m excited about reaching out to a different audience that maybe hasn’t had a chance to listen on Saturdays.  This will be a huge opportunity for area folks who have real estate questions, to have access to and listen to the show at a different time during the week”.

Listeners can call in and participate in the show by dialing 724-843-1888 or 724-774-1888.   Questions and topics can also be emailed ahead of time to sold@calleric.com.  Eric may also be contacted directly at 412-613-4466.

The show will also be video streamed live on Eric Mckenna’s Face book page.