Line Painting Operations Today in District 11

Pittsburgh, PA – PennDOT District 11 is advising motorists that line painting operations on various roadways in Allegheny, Beaver, and Lawrence counties will occur today, Thursday, November 11 weather permitting.

Work to repaint lines will occur from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day in the following locations:

Allegheny County

  • Route 2110 Penn Avenue in Churchill Borough

Beaver County

  • Route 30 from Allegheny County to Ohio

Lawrence County

  • Route 18/Route 108 intersection in the City of New Castle

Roadway line painting is an important part of PennDOT’s highway safety initiatives. Paint lines provide direction, delineation, and guidance to motorists.

Generally, PennDOT is not responsible for paint on vehicles.

Motorists should use caution and be aware of changing traffic patterns when driving through the area.