Dale Reckless From MRS Physical Therapy will Talk About MRS’ Hottest Programs on Wednesday’s Teleforum

(File Photo of Dale Reckless from MRS Physical Therapy during a recent appearance on Beaver County Radio) 

(Beaver Falls, Pa.)  Dale Reckless from MRS Physical Therapy in Bridgewater will discuss “The Hottest Programs” that MRS is offering this month. Dale will have tips and treatments that he will share with host Eddy Crow and the listeners. Tune in to see Dale Reckless’  monthly appearance on Teleforum with Eddy Crow at 9:10 AM Wednesday, July 12, 2023.

The phone lines will be open throughout the show to answer your questions about knee pain or any other ailment you made need advice about at 724-843-1888 and 724-774-1888.

The show is presented on all platforms of Beaver County Radio, on-air at 95.7 FM and 99.3 FM along with 1230 WBVP and1460 WMBA and on-line at beavercountyradio.com.

You can also click on the Facebook Logo below at show time to watch the show streaming live on the Beaver County Radio Facebook Page.

In the meantime before Wednesday’s show check out the latest MRS Physical /Therapy Newsletter at :http://mrsphysicaltherapy.com/