CCBC Soars Statewide with New Online Piloting Program

(Monaca, PA) Starting this fall, Community College of Beaver County (CCBC) will offer its nationally  renowned James M. Johnson School of Aviation Sciences Professional Pilot associate degree online.  Future pilots who enroll at CCBC can complete all the program’s academic courses virtually while  participating in flight training at one of nine partnering flight schools across the state.  CCBC’s premier partner flight providers stretch across the state from Beaver County to the Poconos, and  include:  

Aces Aviation 

AirQuest Aviation 

Fly Legacy Aviation 

High Flight Academy 

Laurel Highlands Aeronautical Academy 

Moore Aviation 

Moyer Aviation, Inc. 

Pittsburgh Flight Training Center 

Nulton Aviation Flight Academy 

Ravotti Air LLC 

“The United States continues to experience a vast piloting shortage with Boeing alone predicting a need  for 600,000 pilots in the next two decades,” explained Dr. John Higgs, Senior Dean and Dean of the  James M. Johnson School of Aviation Sciences at CCBC. “With high quality flight providers across the  state on board, we can offer lucrative career opportunities to more students and meet industry  demands broadly and quickly.”

Online courses for the degree include Foundations and Development of Aviation, Private Pilot Flight  Theory, Instrument Flight Theory, Commercial Flight Theory, Aircraft Engines & Systems, Aerodynamics  of Flight, Human Factors Theory, Foundations in Meteorology, and more. 

Graduates will also earn their Private license, Instrument rating, Commercial certificate, and Multi Engine and/or Certified Flight Instructor ratings. They will benefit from earning a Restricted Airline  Transport Pilot (R-ATP) Certificate, which allows pilots to join airlines at 21 years old, after 1,250 flight  hours versus the standard 1,500 hours (about 2 months), and gain seniority sooner. 

“CCBC’s online Professional Pilot program will allow students across the state to receive first-class  academic instruction from our faculty, while learning hands-on at a flight school close to home,” said  CCBC President Dr. Roger W. Davis. “This virtual portal gives students access to an education that can  take them anywhere in the world.” 

Pennsylvania residents will receive partial reimbursement for flight costs from CCBC’s PA Flight Discount  Fund. On a per flight hour basis, pilots-in-training will receive reimbursement toward flight costs  (currently $50 an hour). On average, students can expect to recoup 20% of the costs. 

Often called the “Harvard of Aviation due to its now prestigious reputation as one of the nation’s top  programs, CCBC launched its aviation school in 1969. More than 50 years later, the college has placed an  air-traffic controller in every tower in the country and a professional pilot in the cockpit of every major  U.S. airline through industry-approved curricula taught by aviation professionals and best-in-class flight  simulators.