Yankee Trader 03-08-25

03-08-25 Listings


VAL       (Beaver)        PHONE:  724-513-9390



Olympus Digital Camera.  Comes with 2 memory cards.           $75.00

HP Digital Camera              Price:  $40.00


Werner 20 foot aluminum extension ladder      $100


Panasonic Landline Cordless telephones.  5 handsets ( 2 have never been used) , 2 dial pads. Includes answering machine, redial, speakerphone & caller ID.  All literature is included in the original box.   PRICE:  $79.00

Over 1,000 Baseball and Football Trading Cards.  All kept in albums so they’re in terrific condition.  Purchase individually for $1 each or by the album.  Barry Bonds, Doug Drabek. You’ll find 2 AUTOGRAPHED John Burkett cards among them (ask about price ) He pitched from 1987 to 2003, with the San Francisco GiantsFlorida MarlinsTexas RangersAtlanta Braves and Boston Red Sox.  Reasonable offers accepted.

One of the albums is Topps 40 years of BB Cards.  Another is full of 40 Pirates BB Cards.


Josh        (Ambridge)            724-701-1420


Vintage 16” Ceramic Christmas Tree with lights.  ORIGINAL BOX  $40.00


Kenny            (Eastvale)               724-843-5819

Kodiak airtight Woodburning Stove with pipe.  Uses up to 24” logs.  Heat your home or camp with wood!  $600.00


16’ Fiberglass ladder-needed when working on electric        $150.00


32’ Aluminum extension ladder.           $150.00




From: Dale             Phone number: 724-302-7255

Item: Heat Mate Kerosene Heater

Brand new in box; good for a camp or garage; Heatmate kersosene heater radiant heater w/ air circulating fan                   Price:$50 or best offer