(Beaver County, PA) The Best of Beaver County is easy to discover; it’s right on your radio! Tune in this and every Thursday from 11 to 11:30 A.M. for “The Best of Beaver County”, an innovative radio program on WBVP and WMBA presented by St. Barnabas. The show is hosted by Jim Roddey and is dedicated to shining light on the great things going on right here in local neighborhoods, and the people that are making it happen. This week Jim’s guests were , William Straub, Assistant Human Resources Manager, St. Barnabas and Crystal Mc Fadden, Pittsburgh Program Manager forCorporate America Supports You.
The first segment was ladies go first as Crystal McFadden, Pittsburgh Program Manager for Corporate America Supports You talked with Jim about The non-profit CASY and how they help transitioning service members, under and un-employed veterans, guard and reserve members, to include their spouses find meaningful employment matches at livable wage opportunities through no-cost career readiness services and gap skills training. Crystal told Mr. Roddey that CASY’s primary clients are transitioning Veterans and Veteran’s who were prior military. If you would like more information on CASY you can e-mail Crystal at cmcmcfadden@casy.us . You can also go on their website at http://casy.us/ and you can also check out their Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/CASY4Vets/.
In the second segment Mr. Roddey talked with William Straub, Assistant Human Resources Manager for St. Barnabas. William and Jim discussed the bright future of St. Barnabas in Beaver County and the fact that St. Barnabas has many positions open including care workers, security and supportive services. If you would like more info on employment opportunities go to https://stbarnabashealthsystem.com/ or you can call 724-443-0700.
If you would like to watch a replay of today’s show as it streamed live on Facebook press the play button below….
The radio broadcast will be replayed each Sunday from 11:30 am to Noon from the St. Barnabas Studio on Beaver County Radio.
Click on the logo below if you would like more info on St. Barnabas….