The Borough of New Brighton will accept sealed bids for property for sale

The Borough of New Brighton will accept sealed bids at the Municipal Building until 2:00 PM on Tuesday, October 13, 2020 for the sale of 615 Tenth Avenue.  The lot is located on Tenth Avenue between the intersecting streets of Sixth Street and Seventh Street and is situated in the R-1 Residential zoning district.  The 0.18 acre lot is vacant and was the former site of a municipal fire station.   The fire station was demolished in 2015.  The lot has 49.5’ of frontage on both Tenth Avenue and Eleventh Avenue.  The total tax assessment for the property is $8,700.00.

Any future use of the property must be consistent with the uses permitted in the R-1 Residential zoning district, where the lot is located.

Infrastructure for developing the parcel is currently in place, including public water, public sanitary sewer, natural gas, and electric all available at the public roadway.

Bid forms and specifications are available at the Municipal Building located at 610 Third Avenue, New Brighton.