If you yearn to break into song and hunger to make music with the area’s
foremost community choir, then come to either of the two preview
rehearsals of the Beaver Valley Choral Society, scheduled on Monday,
August 20 and 27 at 7pm, at the New Brighton United Methodist Church,
1033 Sixth Avenue, New Brighton.

Persons of high school age and older are welcome to attend these free
no-obligation sessions. There are no audition requirements, but it is
strongly suggested that vocalists can sing tunefully.

The choir will sight read music at the preview rehearsals that will be
performed in the Choral Society’s December 2018 series of concerts.
Specific venues, dates and times will be announced soon. Raymond
Rotuna, BVCS Artistic Director & Conductor and BVCS Associate Director
Sharon R. Burchill will conduct the rehearsals.

The Choral Society will start rehearsing intensively on Monday evenings at
the church, beginning September 10 at 7pm. New singers wishing to see
what the rehearsals are all about, or to learn more about the Choral
Society, are asked to arrive at 6:45pm to be welcomed, meet some
members, and receive the music for the rehearsal.

School age children who are age 8 and up with an unchanged treble voice
are encouraged to sing in the BVCS Treble Youth Chorale, directed by
Donna Mateer, which begins rehearing on Monday, September 17 at 7pm
at the church.

Singing in a community choir like the Beaver Valley Choral Society is an
ideal, creative outlet for spouses and family members.


For more information about any event fee and program details or the Beaver Valley Choral Society’s many community and music education opportunities for adults and children, go to bvchoralsociety.net or write to Beaver Valley Choral Society, PO Box 1628, Beaver Falls, PA 15010.