YANKEE TRADER 02-03-24 Listings

You can email bcr@beavercountyradio.com to add a listing or to let Diane Brosius know if your item has sold. You can also list items on the Website (Beavercountyradio.com) by clicking on the Yankee Trader logo. Snail mail can be sent to WBVP/WMBA 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd. Beaver, PA 15009




From: Dale
Item: Heat Mate Kerosene Heater
Additional Information:
Used only once; has owners manual with it. ;pd 159.00 for it; This is a radiant heater with air circulating fan; Like NEW


Phone number: 724-302-7255


From: Sondra <scatteredt07@comcast.net>
Item:2 vintage mantel clocks
Both clocks have all parts and keys.  Perfect for someone who would enjoy getting them working again.   Price:$10 each

Phone number: 412-638-7100

Smitty (Beaver area)


Large brown Leather Recliner.  No tears.  PRICE: make an offer


Secretary/Office chair.  Brown leather on wheels.  No tears. PRICE: make an offer

Man’s Size large long gray winter coat. PRICE: make an offer


(Ryobi) Battery operated weed wacker.  Battery & Charger included.

PRICE: make an offer


PHONE: 724-462-8079



Bamboo sticks (20) 9′ length  Take all  $90

Album of Pirate players $45

Christmas arrangements $25

Large wicker basket with Salmon Flowers $40


For more  information call  724-513-9390;



Rich  (Aliquippa)

Brand new Electrical Wire.  Approximately 250 feet of 14-2. PRICE: Best offer


NIB Coleman AM/FM Radio with a Mine Lantern.  PRICE: $50.00


4 Old Kerosene lamps/lanterns.  1 is a table-top glass lamp.  Another is a sconce for mounting on the wall.  2 are solid one-piece tall lanterns with hanging handles.  PRICE:  $100.00 for all 4.  Individuals are negotiable.


PHONE:  724-378-3713


Don (New Sewickley)


Queen size solid Oak Bed.  Medium color.  Includes headboard, footboard, sideboards and extra suspension underneath.  Cannonballs on all 4 corners.

PRICE: $150.00 OBO


Boat seat on a pedestal.  Like new condition.  Extra thick padding on back & seat.  Can be used without the pedestal.  Burgundy, white & gray colors.  PRICE:  $20.00


Dog Cage.  Very clean, like new, no rust.  Also has a vinyl floor.  There is a removable partition and 2 doors so it can be used for 2 pets.  PRICE:  $20.00


Horse Shoe game.  St Pierre professional brand.  Includes 4 horseshoes and 2 poles.  Never been out of the box.  PRICE:  $40.00


Phone:  724-728-0730



Yankee Trader 1-27-24 Listings

You can email bcr@beavercountyradio.com to add a listing or to let Diane Brosius know if your item has sold. You can also list items on the Website (Beavercountyradio.com) by clicking on the Yankee Trader logo. Snail mail can be sent to WBVP/WMBA 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd. Beaver, PA 15009


1-27-24 LISTINGS


Mary (Hopewell)   724-788-1818 or  724-622-8381

Child’s Booster Seat for a chair.  PRICE: $5.00


Brand NIB Squatty Potty.  A stool that fits in front of toilet to help facilitate the movement of your “movement”.   PRICE: $5.00




Smitty (Beaver)     724-462-8079


Beautiful nice-sized Chest with clasp.  Handmade by a Marine Corp Colonel.  Medium color stain and varnished.  PRICE: Make an offer


Vintage upright smallish refrigerator perfect for garage or dorm.  White color.  PRICE: $25.00


1974 Stingray Corvette.  White color with black interior.  PRICE:  Make an offer.



Howie      724-774-6397

30 unbuilt Classic Car Models.

1/24th & 1/25th scale.  The cars are from the 30’s & 40’s like a 1940 Ford, 1948 Ford, 1937 Chevy.  A few are from the 50’s.  PRICE:  Make an offer

Scale Auto Magazines from 1986-2003.  PRICE: make an offer



Val  (Beaver)      724-513-9390


Panasonic Landline Cordless telephones.  5 handsets, 2 dial pads. Includes answering machine, redial, speakerphone & caller ID.     PRICE:  $89.00


Visio 24” Flat-Screen TV  PRICE:  $45.00


Incline Exercise Board (in 2 pieces).  Padded with straps for holding feet.  Folds flat for storage.  PRICE: $50.00


Baseball and Football Trading Cards.  All kept in albums so they’re in terrific condition.  Purchase individually or by the album.




Dave (Beaver Falls)    724-843-8483


Young American Patriots-PA edition.  Hard-cover large book published after WWII in 1946 listing all Pennsylvania military that served during WWII.  Includes photographs and details about each service member.  Divided by County with 260 pages devoted to Beaver County.   PRICE: $30.00


Box full of Knitting needles in nice shape-all different sizes.  Perfect for a club or church ministry.  PRICE:  free!


YANKEE TRADER 1-20-24 listings

You can email bcr@beavercountyradio.com to add a listing or to let Diane Brosius know if your item has sold. You can also list items on the Website (Beavercountyradio.com) by clicking on the Yankee Trader logo. Snail mail can be sent to WBVP/WMBA 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd. Beaver, PA 15009


1-20-24 LISTINGS



Timothy (Ohio)  330-301-8223


Intex Queen-size durable double-high Air Mattress.  Includes plug-in inflator.  PRICE:  $20.00


2 Camping cots made by Ozark Trail Outdoor Equipment.  Made of metal and canvas.  PRICE:  $20.00 each




Mary (Hopewell)  724-788-1818 or 724-622-8381


Man’s size Medium mid-length coat.  Navy blue with gray fur lining.  Deep pockets.  PRICE: $8.00


Mary ( Patterson)     878-264-8535

Brand new (still in box) 3 in 1 CRIB.  Goes from a crib to youth bed.  Dark wood  PRICE: $50.00

Older Panasonic 32” TV.  (not flat screen)  Still works  PRICE:  free


Val               724-513-9390  make reasonable offers


Still has lots of Christmas items


Men’s clothing t-shirts, Sweaters, Sweatshirts  Sizes L-XL


Men’s pants sizes 32-35.  Dress pants, cargoes, Jeans




Charlie  724-843-2560


LTB (looking to buy) Reasonably priced electric bass guitar.




Ernie  (Center Twp)   724-770-0762


Beautiful Amish-made Gun Cabinet.  Has very nice trim and green velvet lining.  2 doors with clear glass and a storage drawer.  Keys included.  Holds 6 guns. In EXCELLENT condition.  PRICE:  $95.00




You can email bcr@beavercountyradio.com to add a listing or to let Diane Brosius know if your item has sold. You can also list items on the Website (Beavercountyradio.com) by clicking on the Yankee Trader logo. Snail mail can be sent to WBVP/WMBA 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd. Beaver, PA 15009


1-13-24 LISTINGS


Bob (Ambridge area)
Phone number: 724-419-6115
Over 100 DVDs in excellent condition. Variety of titles available.   Call and he will send photo.




Bob (Monaca)       724-650-7106


6 foot wooden Werner step ladder               PRICE: $12.00


8 ft Wooden Step Ladder  PRICE: $20.00


2 piece Pool Stick  PRICE: $10.00


Sleeping Bag rolls up into a sleeve.  PRICE:  $5.00




Diane  724-774-1671


Package Deal:

1) 12” X 17” X 2 ¼” Aluminum Baking Pan

2) Red Plastic Chip & Dip Serving Dish

3) Brand New (in box) Swoop ‘n Scoop Bowl-No more soggy cereal.   2 separate compartments in one easy to hold bowl: perfect for Chinese food, chips and dip, cookie dunking or ice cream & berries

4) Brand new thermal trunk organizer with several compartments (folds flat)

Get it ALL for only $10.00



Kenny (Eastvale)     724-843-5819


Looking to buy a small truck with either 2 or 4 doors.  Something in good shape.


For Sale:  1994 Ford Ranger for parts.  89,000 miles.  Engine & transmission are good, but body is shot.  PRICE: Best Offer




Val      724-513-9390


Incline Exercise Board (in 2 pieces).  Padded with straps for holding feet.  Folds flat for storage.  PRICE: $50.00


Office Stationery items 5 boxes of all kinds: Expandable files, 3 ring binders, presentation covers, 2-hole fasteners.  Call for details and make an offer.


Christmas glass ornaments, sleigh & reindeer for indoor décor.  Make a reasonable offer.




Victor  (Raccoon Twp.)      724-495-3133


4 Vintage aluminum slot wheels for Chevrolets w 5 lug holes.  PRICE: $400 FOR ALL OR BEST OFFER.




Jim (New Galilee)      724-462-8037

Lift Chair-works great.  Dark Brown textured fabric.  Lays almost completely flat and practically stands up  PRICE:  FREE!

01-06-24 LISTINGS

You can email bcr@beavercountyradio.com to add a listing or to let Diane Brosius know if your item has sold. You can also list items on the Website (Beavercountyradio.com) by clicking on the Yankee Trader logo. Snail mail can be sent to WBVP/WMBA 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd. Beaver, PA 15009





01-06-24 LISTINGS


Millie  (Daugherty Twp in New Brighton)     724-846-3425


Beautiful American Heritage Billiard Table.  Hardly ever used.  50” X 89” Blonde wood, slate table with green felt.  Bag pockets.  In PERFECT SHAPE.        Includes 5 pool cues (sticks), rack and balls.  Always has been covered.    PRICE:   $1,500




Val  (Beaver)      724-513-9390    Any reasonable offer accepted


Neutral Colored upholstered chair with wood trim. Smoke & animal free home  PRICE:  $90.00


Around 70 Music Cd’s from all genres   PRICE:  $4.00 each-will negotiate.


Vintage Flatware.  Some stainless steel, some sterling silver.  Lots to choose from.  Flatware boxes for additional price.  PRICE:  Stainless $1 each   Sterling Silver $2 each


Landscape Prints, framed with glass.   Mostly large sizes.  PRICE:  $95.00 each



Mary (Hopewell)  724-788-1818 or 724-622-8381

  SOLD   2008 Mercury Mariner.  Silver color.  Automatic transmission.  Good heat.  August inspection, Very good Air Conditioner, AM/FM/DVD player

PRICE: Negotiable






Howie (Vanport)  724-774-6397


Every episode of every season of CHEERS on DVD’s.  PRICE:  Make an offer


100 Cowboy Movies with stars like Hop along Cassidy, John Wayne, Tim Holt, Johnny Mac Brown & Hoot Gibson.    PRICE:  Make an offer


2 Old Cameras.  A Pocket Minolta with Built in flash and a 35 mm box camera with built in flash

PRICE:  Make an offer


12-23-23 LISITNGS

You can email bcr@beavercountyradio.com to add a listing or to let Diane Brosius know if your item has sold. You can also list items on the Website (Beavercountyradio.com) by clicking on the Yankee Trader logo. Snail mail can be sent to WBVP/WMBA 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd. Beaver, PA 15009


12-23-23 LISTINGS


Val      724-513-9390

Big selection of jewelry.  Some 14-ct. gold, lots of costume jewelry.

PRICE: Make reasonable offer.


Many religious items.  18 different beautiful rosary beads.  13” tall Virgin Mary statue (for indoor use).  Variety of medals.

PRICE: Make reasonable offer.




Betsy      724-843-0774


Wood planer/lathe      PRICE: $200 or best offer


Pipe Stand and Pipe Threader        PRICE: $200 or best offer



Dave (Beaver Falls)    724-843-8483

Box full of Knitting needles in nice shape-all different sizes.  Perfect for a club or church ministry.  PRICE:  free!



12-30-23 LISTINGS

12-30-23 LISTINGS

You can email bcr@beavercountyradio.com to add a listing or to let Diane Brosius know if your item has sold. You can also list items on the Website (Beavercountyradio.com) by clicking on the Yankee Trader logo. Snail mail can be sent to WBVP/WMBA 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd. Beaver, PA 15009


12-30-23 LISTINGS


Timothy (Ohio) 330-301-8223


Cargo Carrier that hitches to back of your car.  Hitch & Key included In great shape. 4’5” wide with an internal length of 1’7”.  Perfect for carrying your deer or even a full size cooler.  PRICE:  $100.00


4 Tires on wheels for a Boat Trailer.  Size 4.80-8 with 4 lug holes.

Brand New.  PRICE: $50.00 each


“Harbor Master Trailable” Boat Cover fits a 14’-15’ boat.  Brand New.  PRICE: $25.00


Will deliver if needed.



Val   724-513-9390


Toshiba Vintage (not flat screen) 19” TV.  PRICE:  $75.00.  TV Stand on wheels available:  $25.00


Lenox Fine bone china.  11 5-piece place settings.  Eclipse pattern.  In perfect condition. PRICE: $79 per setting


Variety of furniture items (call for details)  Formica contemporary Cube.

PRICE:  Make reasonable offers




Ed (from Freedom) 724-622-8072


Heavy White Headboard for full/queen size bed.  In terrifice shape.  PRICE:  $50.00 obo


Decorative white dish set.  PRICE:   Make an offer

Curio Cabinets.  About 6’ tall.  Dark wood with glass and mirrors in the back.  In nice shape.  PRICE:  $30.00 EACH


Looking to Buy (LTB) a tool box w drawers.  Bench top or let him know what you have.


You can email bcr@beavercountyradio.com to add a listing or to let Diane Brosius know if your item has sold. You can also list items on the Website (Beavercountyradio.com) by clicking on the Yankee Trader logo. Snail mail can be sent to WBVP/WMBA 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd. Beaver, PA 15009


Timothy (Ohio) 330-301-8223

4 Tires on wheels for a Boat Trailer.  Size 4.80-8 with 4 lug holes.

Brand New.  PRICE: $50.00 each

“Harbor Master Trailable” Boat Cover fits a 14’-15’ boat.  Brand New.  PRICE: $20.00


Looking to Buy a pickup truck that can pull a camper.  Around 150 or 250 range.  Prefer crew cab-any make.



Ernie      724-770-0762

  1. Mossy Oak Back Pack for hiking/hunting with attached 1 quart water bottle. Never used.  Made of water proof canvas.  PRICE:  $15.00
  2. Hunters Buck Knives in sheaths attached to belts. Handles are like beautiful buck horns.  Really nice and Razor sharp.  PRICE: $20.00 for both.
  3. An electric mini snowblower-perfect for sidewalk or patio. Clears a 12” path and weighs only 7lbs.  Very powerful-throws snow about 3′.  PRICE: $25.00
  4. Very powerful Toro electric leaf blower includes extension cord.  PRICE: $25.00


Val        724-513-9390


Wooden toy/Storage Box   PRICE: $45.00



Charlie      724843-2560

Cassettes for Video Camera High 8.  Brand new.  Will record up to 2 hours each.  Can easily transfer after recording.  PRICE:  FREE

YANKEE TRADER 12-9-23 Listings

You can email bcr@beavercountyradio.com to add a listing or to let Diane Brosius know if your item has sold. You can also list items on the Website (Beavercountyradio.com) by clicking on the Yankee Trader logo. Snail mail can be sent to WBVP/WMBA 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd. Beaver, PA 15009

12-9-23 LISTINGS


Brady (New Brighton      724-843-8071

Atlas brand woman’s bicycle.  28-29” high.  Like new-tires are great.  Color: pink.  PRICE: $50.00




Addie (Rochester)      724-728-0457  Vintage and modern jewelry.  Pins and broaches.  Big collection of Cameos-some are signed.  Earrings, necklaces, bracelets.  From a variety of eras-All in very good condition.  PRICE: $10.00 and up.




Val      724-513-9390


Lots of Christmas items  4 ½ foot Christmas tree.  35” tall wooden deer for interior only.  Large 18-20” wreath w berries.    PRICE: REASONABLE OFFER


Christmas lights

1 boxes of white lights for interior or exterior.

4 strands of colored indoor lights.

Greeting cards, bows & ribbons.   .    PRICE: REASONABLE OFFER


31” wooden chest w lid.  Plain walnut finish.        Price: $45.00


Matchbox & Hot Wheel cars.  PRICE: REASONABLE OFFER




Karen (Ellwood City)    724-651-5658


8’ Warner Aluminum Step ladder #378. In good condition  PRICE:  $65.00


Pine Toy Chest or storage box.  About 50 years old.  In very good condition.  PRICE: $45.00


Wooden Kitchen/Bar cart on wheels.  Can be used in your man-cave or craft room.  Counter height. 1 drawer and 2 doors.  PRICE: $75.00


Very large box of Boys and Girls LEGOS.  Price:  $80.00




Dave (Beaver Falls)    724-843-8483

Knitting needles in nice shape-all different sizes.  PRICE:  free!

YANKEE TRADER 12-2-23 Listings

You can email bcr@beavercountyradio.com to add a listing or to let Diane Brosius know if your item has sold. You can also list items on the Website (Beavercountyradio.com) by clicking on the Yankee Trader logo. Snail mail can be sent to WBVP/WMBA 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd. Beaver, PA 15009


12-2-23 LISTINGS


From: Marilyn       Phone number: 724-775-2466
Item: Thomasville Coffee Table

Square coffee table with 4 beveled inserts
38” x 38” 16 3/4” height
Pine wood in Excellent condition
Price:$150.00 or best offer

Aggie      724-728-0799

Admiral upright Freezer.  30 yrs old and still works.  About 5’ tall.  PRICE: FREE FREE FREE


Rich from Aliquippa      724-378-3713

  1. New in Box Coleman AM FM Radio and a Mine Lantern. Never used.

PRICE:  $50.00

  1. Pgh Steelers Football Jersey- WOODSON 26. Size L.

PLUS a terrible towel.  PRICE: $75.00 for both items

  1. 2 Black Golf Bags. 1 for an adult and 1 Junior size. (no clubs) PRICE: $25.00 each
  2. 1964 Polaroid Land Camera Model 160 with carrying case. PRICE: $50.00


Val      724-513-9390

Christmas Trees: 2’, 4 ½’ and more.  Colored lights, ornaments, etc.

35” Wooden Deer for décor inside.

LOTS of Christmas gift items including a Christmas throw blanket.  Shop at Val’s

Reasonable offers accepted.


Ted from Rochester     724-480-9640

  1. 1968 Ford Falcon Car-all original.  Runs & drives-will pass inspection.  Does need painted.                    PRICE:  Best Offer
  2. LTB (looking to buy) Rear Wheel drive Chrysler from 60’s or 70’s. Any make or model coupe (2 door).
  3. Propane Grill/Smoker. Includes tank. PRICE: $50.00
  4. Firewood for sale Mostly Maple and some Cherry. PRICE: $75.00 for 6’ bed truckload.




Ernie      724-770-0762

  1. Mossy Oak Back Pack for hiking/hunting with attached 1 quart water bottle. Never used.  Made of waterproof canvas.  PRICE:  $20.00
  2. Hunters Buck Knives in sheaths attached to belts. Handles are like beautiful buck horns.  Really nice and Razor sharp.  PRICE: $20.00 for both.
  3. An electric mini snowblower-perfect for sidewalk or patio. Clears a 12” path and weighs only 7lbs.  Very powerful-throws snow about 3”.  PRICE: $25.00
  4. Very powerful Toro electric leaf blower.  PRICE: $20.00


Jeff      724-573-4416

  1. Man’s Quartz Bulova Watch. Still in box with original purchase receipt ($340) in 1992.  The band is gold and the clock face is black with a diamond at the 12.  Probably needs a battery.  PRICE:  $150. OBO
  2. Blue with tiny floral pattern cushioned Rocker Glider in great condition PRICE:  $35.00
  3. LOOKING TO BUY (LTB)a Lincoln NIG welder SP170t OR SP175t.


Shirley      724-513-7638

4 Animated, lighted electric Christmas Doll Figurines strictly for indoor use. They all work; colors are beautiful, not faded at all.

1 pair are a Boy & Girl about 20” high.  In original package.

PRICE: $50.00 for the pair.

The other pair are Brighter Animation dolls purchased from Pool City in 1992.  In original box. 26” tall.  The faces light up and they are carrying lit lanterns.  Originally $100 each.  PRICE:  $100.00 for the pair