You can email bcr@beavercountyradio.com to add a listing or to let Diane Brosius know if your item has sold. You can also list items on the Website (Beavercountyradio.com) by clicking on the Yankee Trader logo. Snail mail can be sent to WBVP/WMBA 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd. Beaver, PA 15009


04-13-24 LISTINGS


From: Dorothy
Item:  LTB      Looking for a flatscreen tv
Price:$ 40 – 100 at most

Phone number: 412-974-5131



Ray   Passenger side electric mirror for a 2007-2011 Honda CRV.  It’s in good working shape.  PRCIE: $25.00   PHONE:  724-508-0111




Bob (Economy Boro)  Under-cabinet Sears Best Range Hood.  Brand new, still in the box with all paperwork included.  Coppertone Color, but can easily be painted.  PRICE: $50.00

PHONE: 724-888-6518




Mike (Beaver)  Brand new, never opened Comodita Piccola Rolling Walker with feet, adjustable handle height and seat with storage. Cost $249 new  PRICE: $75.00


Lasko Shop Fan on pedestal.  Industrial heavy-duty fan with metal blades.  Throws a lot of air.  Can even be used outdoors on hot days.  Approx 30” across and adjustable height up to 4 feet.  PRICE:  $50.00


Black & Decker Weed Wacker with charger & battery included.  Uses a 20V 1.5 AH Lithium battery.  PRICE: $10.00


2 PIECE Cherry wood hutch.  Has 3 drawers with flip down desk that has storage for papers & mail.  3 glass shelves behind glass doors. PRICE:  $100.00


PHONE:  724-506-2327




Val (Beaver)


5 Cubic foot Wheelbarrow.  True Temper brand.  In good shape.  PRICE: $45.00


12 Qt. Vollrath Stainless Steel Cooking Pot.  Commercial grade.  PRICE:  $75.00


Autographed John Burkett Baseball trading card (ask about price) plus other Baseball and Football Trading Cards.  All kept in albums so they’re in terrific condition.  Purchase individually for $1.00 each or by the album.


Lovely Wooden Storage Chest/Toy Box with a lid. 31” in length.   PRICE: $45.00


PHONE:  724-513-9390




Bob (South Beaver)

3 Log Chains.  2 are 14 feet and 1 is 12 feet with hooks on each end.  PRICE: $25.00 each


60” finish mower that attaches to a small tractor with a 3. Hitch.  PRICE: 750.00


2 Bicycles:  16” Black & Red Boys bike with training wheels available and a 20” Blue & white Girls Bike.  PRICE: $25.00 each.


A Big Wheel Tricycle in good shape.    PRICE:  $5.00


PHONE: 724-843-1132





You can email bcr@beavercountyradio.com to add a listing or to let Diane Brosius know if your item has sold. You can also list items on the Website (Beavercountyradio.com) by clicking on the Yankee Trader logo. Snail mail can be sent to WBVP/WMBA 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd. Beaver, PA 15009


04-06-24 LISTINGS



Garden Jargon with Charlie Dirt on 2nd Wednesday of every month from 11:00-12:00


Val (Beaver)

Man’s GT Rebound Bicycle in good condition. Blue color.  Originally purchased at Snitger’s-one owner.  PRICE:  $200.00


Lovely Wooden Storage Chest/Toy Box with a lid.  PRICE: Make an offer


Incline Exercise Board (in 2 pieces).  Padded with straps for holding feet.  Folds flat for storage.  PRICE: $50.00


1700 Baseball and Football Trading Cards.  All kept in albums so they’re in terrific condition.  Purchase individually or by the album.


PHONE:  724-513-9390



Don (New Sewickley Twp-near the Grange)


Queen Size Solid Oak Bed.  Headboard, Footboards, Sideboards and Steel supports.  PRICE $150.00 obo


Boat Seat on a pedestal-Like new.  Can also be mounted.  PRICE: $20.00


All metal Dog Cage.  3’X2’ with two doors and a removable partition (for 2 pets).  Very clean floor.  PRICE: $20.00


Brand new horsehoe set.  St. Pierre Pro Set.  New in Box  PRICE: $40.00

PHONE: 724-728-0730



Howie  Every episode of Seinfeld on DVD.  PRICE: Make an offer

PHONE: 724-774-6397




Shirley (Chippewa)


Bags of washed & folded Women’s Clothes in 3X and 2X.  All seasons.

Sag Harbor Black Wool Blazer Size 24 $10.00 OBO

2 piece pink Alfred Dunner set $8.00 There’s an additional piece also…All 3 for only $10.00

Maroon long dress with jacket and a costume jewelry pendent. $3.00

Tan Suede washable jacket Size 24.  $5.00

Soft fleece long sleeve PJ’s $1.00

PHONE: 412-974-1769



Ed (Freedom-New Sewickley)


6-8 cases of 12X12 White Ceramic tile along with several 2” and 4” accessory tiles included  PRICE: $75.00 for all OBO


2 20’ long by 2’ wide Aluminum Scaffolding Boards.

Call for details & pricing


PHONE: 724-622-8072


YANKEE TRADER 3-30-24 Listings

You can email bcr@beavercountyradio.com to add a listing or to let Diane Brosius know if your item has sold. You can also list items on the Website (Beavercountyradio.com) by clicking on the Yankee Trader logo. Snail mail can be sent to WBVP/WMBA 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd. Beaver, PA 15009


03-30-24 LISTINGS


YARD SALES   I will promote your yard/garage sales on the air.  No Church or organization rummage sales-just personal ones.




From: Darlene
Item: Stamina in motion under desk exercise machine
It’s black, model 55-1610, you can sit at your computer and place this under your desk and exercise

Price:$40     Phone number: 724-728-3128




Bob     Set of 4 Tires on rims for Chevy Truck EARLY 2000’s. 6 Bolt 255-70-16

Cooper Mud & Snow.  PRICE:  $125.00 for all 4


3 Plastic Gas Cans. All in good condition. 1 & 2 gallon size.

PRICE:   $10.00 for all 3.


PHONE: 724-650-7106




Kenny (Eastvale)  2014 Suzuki 200 Motor Scooter with only 6,000 miles on it.  Silver color.  Can reach speeds up to 80 or 90 MPH, 400-450 lb. capacity with plenty of storage under the seat.  Gets approximately 70 MPG.  Your feet  sit flat on the floor-no throwing your leg over. PRICE: $300  Phone: 724-843-5819




Carol (Beaver Falls)  Console TV Cabinet in good condition.  Heavy, dark, good wood.  TV doesn’t work, but woodworkers or DIYers could turn this into something solid & functional.  PRICE: $300.00 OBO.  PHONE: 724-846-3874




Dale (Cranberry)

4 Hancock Tires on rims with Chevy Van hubcaps.  215-70-15 with 5 bolts.  About 1 ½ years old.  PRICE: $120.00 for all 4.   CALL OR TEXT 724-814-2897



Marilyn (Beaver)


Bike Rack for back of your car-will hold 2 bikes.  All accessories for attaching it are included.  PRICE: $20.00


2 Beautiful, HIGH QUALITY Wicker Night Stands.  Can be used for storage or file folders.  Cost $350 each new  PRICE: $50.00 EACH


Harmony 6 string Acoustic Guitar. PRICE: $50.00


PHONE:  425-444-2321




Val (Beaver )


Wooden Storage Chest/Toy Box with a lid.  PRICE: Make an offer

Around 90 Music Cd’s from all genres   PRICE -will negotiate.

Incline Exercise Board (in 2 pieces).  Padded with straps for holding feet.  Folds flat for storage.  PRICE: Reasonable offer accepted


Autographed John Burkett Baseball trading card plus other Baseball and Football Trading Cards.  All kept in albums so they’re in terrific condition.  Purchase individually or by the album.


PHONE:  724-513-9390




Rick (Chippewa)  LTB (Looking to buy) a used Wheel Chair

PHONE:  724-561-4410




Dave (College Hill)


Child size Antique Oak Wooden Rocker in very good shape. (27” tall, seat 16”) No arms.  PRICE: $30.00

Box full of Knitting needles in great shape.  Perfect for clubs, churches, nursing homes, etc.  PRICE: FREE


Antique Stained Glass desk lamp with 6 paneled inverted globe shade.  21” high with 16” diameter shade with scalloped edges.  Lovely lighter colors with marbleized stained glass.  PRICE: $350.00      PHONE:  724-843-8483



YANKEE TRADER 3-23-24 Listings

You can email bcr@beavercountyradio.com to add a listing or to let Diane Brosius know if your item has sold. You can also list items on the Website (Beavercountyradio.com) by clicking on the Yankee Trader logo. Snail mail can be sent to WBVP/WMBA 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd. Beaver, PA 15009


03-23-24 LISTINGS


From: Carla  carkev15@yahoo.com

Model: ELEFW5517
Selling because we bought a larger one. Works!!!!
Phone number: 724-777-2087


Mary (Patterson)

Stained Glass crafters!  Glass grinder for stained glass enthusiasts.  Also, some stained glass pieces.

PRICE: Make an offer

Phone:  878-264-8535


Tom (Darlington)

Lawn Boy self-propelled lawn mower.  2 stroke, 2 cycle, aluminum deck, 6.5 H.P.  Super clean

PRICE:  $150.00 firm


16 Chain Saws Mostly Poland and Craftsman.  Sizes range from 14”-20”.  Call for details and pricing.


PHONE:  724-336-3853


Val (Beaver)


Art for your home décor.  30 pictures, paintings in watercolors, oils and prints   Some are framed, some are not.  PRICE:  Make an offer


Hundreds of pieces of costume jewelry.  Sold by the piece or multiples.  PRICE: Make an offer


Boxes of office items like envelopes, report covers, expanding file folders   PRICE: Make an offer


Insulated Styrofoam containers. 15” X 15” square and 10” high.  Keep hot things hot and cold things cold.  Can also be used for storage. PRICE: Make an offer


PHONE:  724-513-9390


Ron (Beaver)

Trunk full of books & magazines.  Military, Cars, Trucks.

PRICE: Make an offer


Phone: 724-728-8993


Charlie (Beaver Falls)


TDK High 8 blank cassette video tapes-Brand new-for use in a High 8 camera.  Get 8 hours of recording then you can burn it to DVD’s or flash drives.  PRICE:  FREE FREE FREE


Bob (Chippewa)


RARE!  Red Green Show complete series on DVD’s.  This is a hilarious PBS show from Canada.  1991-2005  161 episodes, 6,873 minutes comprised of 47 discs in a carrying case.  Over $90 new.  Make a reasonable offer….


OR He’d like to TRADE this item for the


TV series DVD set “ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS”.  This would be 35 DVD’s comprising 7 seasons of ½ to 1 hour shows.


PHONE: 724-495-7501


Bob (Monaca)


15” Sylvania Color TV with built-in DVD player.  Both work fine.  New remote (which needs to be programmed) included.

PRICE:  $30.00

PHONE: 724-650-7106


You can email bcr@beavercountyradio.com to add a listing or to let Diane Brosius know if your item has sold. You can also list items on the Website (Beavercountyradio.com) by clicking on the Yankee Trader logo. Snail mail can be sent to WBVP/WMBA 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd. Beaver, PA 15009

03-16-24 LISTINGS


Terry (Rochester)

Tires that will definitely fit a Cadillac or other larger vehicle.

4   P235 X 75 X 15 tires with raised white letters.  PRICE: $100.00 for all


1 P225 X 60 X 16 tire.   PRICE: $20.00


A 1973 Cadillac Eldorado.  Has 36,000 original miles.  In great shape. Will trade straight up for another vehicle.  He’d prefer a Cadillac , but give him a call.


PHONE:  724-312-2823




Mary (Patterson)


Rubbermaid brand Long Cart that hooks to a lawn tractor.  5’ X 4’.  Has 2 wheels.  PRICE:  $40.00


Used Bricks in Terra cotta colors.   PRICE:  FREE FREE FREE


PHONE:  878-264-8535



John   Something for bicycle enthusiasts!

TREK Drone 3.1 Road Bike.  Carbon Fiber with Aero Bars.  Also has a Cateye speedometer.  It’s black, white & red.  PRICE: $600.00

PHONE:  443-553-2075




Mike (Beaver)  Fishermen, pay attention!


Fenwick Flyrod.  8’ long, 3¾ oz. 7 weight.  Good cork. Has original tube.  This one can be used for heavier fish.  In excellent condition.

PRICE: $75.00


Nylon fishing net with black aluminum frame.  Standard 7” X 12” opening.  In excellent condition.  PRICE:  $10.00


Ross aluminum reel.  Fly line with backing.  5 or 6 weight rod.

PRICE: $30.00


Mirage 32gb Trail brand CAMERA.   Has a 90’ illumination range.  Trigger speed is less than ½ second.  Never been used.  Manual and information all included.  Great for hunters.  PRICE:  $60.00




PHONE: 724-506-2327

Val (Beaver)


Man’s GT Rebound Bicycle in good condition. Purchased at Snitger’s.

PRICE:  $200.00


Garrity 24 carat Gold electroplated 4 leaf Shamrock. 4” (NIB) New in box with literature included.  PRICE: $12


Toshiba Vintage (not flat screen) 19” TV.  PRICE:  $60.00.  Chrome & laminated wood TV Stand on wheels available:  $25.00


Panasonic Landline Cordless telephones.  5 handsets, 2 dial pads. Includes answering machine, redial, speakerphone & caller ID.     PRICE:  $89.00


PHONE: 724-513-9390



Smitty  (Beaver Area)

1974 White Stingray Corvette with 2 Tops: 1 is clear glass and the other is white.  Also includes 2 complete sets of wheels (8):  One set has hubcaps and the other has spoke wheels.   PRICE: Negotiable

PHONE 724-462-8079




Charles (Daugherty Twp)

LTB (Looking to buy) a Stair Glider for at least 8 steps.

PHONE: 724-622-6052



Howie      724-774-6397

30 unbuilt Classic Car Models.

1/24th & 1/25th scale.  The cars are from the 30’s & 40’s like a 1940 Ford, 1948 Ford, 1937 Chevy.  A few are from the 50’s.  PRICE:  Make an offer

Scale Auto Magazines from 1986-2003.  PRICE: make an offer


PHONE:  724-774-6397






03-09-24 Listings

You can email bcr@beavercountyradio.com to add a listing or to let Diane Brosius know if your item has sold. You can also list items on the Website (Beavercountyradio.com) by clicking on the Yankee Trader logo. Snail mail can be sent to WBVP/WMBA 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd. Beaver, PA 15009



From: Patrick <varpenns@yahoo.com>
Phone number: 724-728-1599
Item:CB radio  CB Radio, Model Uniden 980SSB including Wilson “Little Will” magnet mount antenna, excellent condition, with original box and microphone



Val ( Beaver)

Vintage Baby doll crib made of hand-crafted wood.  Could also be used to display stuffed animals or store blankets or magazines.

PRICE: $25.00


Buttons Buttons Buttons.  3 containers with hundreds of buttons.  Perfect for seamstress or crafters.  PRICE: $10 per box.


Toshiba Vintage (not flat screen) 19” TV.  PRICE:  $60.00.  Chrome & laminated wood TV Stand on wheels available:  $25.00


Panasonic Landline Cordless telephones.  5 handsets, 2 dial pads. Includes answering machine, redial, speakerphone & caller ID.     PRICE:  $89.00


PHONE: 724-513-9390







Mary (Patterson)

14–12”X12” Stepping Stones for outdoors.  Terra Cotta color.  No chips-in good condition.  PRICE:$1.00 each


2 adjustable black desk lamps.  Perfect for students, crafters-anywhere you need extra light.  PRICE:  $15.00 each.


PHONE: 878-264-8535




Mike (Hopewell)

Smokey Hollow deluxe Smoker.  Also has a ceramic side burner, gas grill & a charcoal grill.  Used less than 10 times (smoker has never been used) in like-new perfect condition.  Has been covered & garage-kept.  Cost over $500 new.  ASKING: $300.00


Vintage 1950’s Decorative Snow Skis  PRICE: $75.00


2 Wooden Nail Kegs.  Appox 30” high & 15: diameter.   In  excellent shape.  PRICE:  $25.00 each


PHONE:  724-375-7958





Charlie  (Beaver Falls)

LTB (Looking to buy) a working Electric Bass Guitar for a reasonable price/


PHONE:  724-843-2560





2 Wooden Lamps—shades included.  34” Tall.  PRICE: $20.00 for both.


An Antique One-arm wooden School Desk.  PRICE: $15.00


2 Bicycles:  16” Black & Red Boys bike with training wheels available and a 20” Blue & white Girls Bike.  PRICE: $25.00 each.


E100 Razor Scooter that will go between 5-10 mph,  Needs a new battery.  PRICE: $35.00


PHONE:   724-843-1132




Smitty (Beaver area)


Large brown Leather Recliner.  No tears.  PRICE: make an offer


Secretary/Office chair.  Brown leather on wheels.  No tears. PRICE: make an offer

Man’s Size large long gray winter coat. PRICE: make an offer


(Ryobi) Battery operated weed wacker.  Battery & Charger included.

PRICE: make an offer


PHONE: 724-462-8079




You can email bcr@beavercountyradio.com to add a listing or to let Diane Brosius know if your item has sold. You can also list items on the Website (Beavercountyradio.com) by clicking on the Yankee Trader logo. Snail mail can be sent to WBVP/WMBA 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd. Beaver, PA 15009




From: Marilyn <marilynmatwiejuk@gmail.com>
Item: Thomasville Brand Coffee Table.  38” x 38”Square coffee table with 4 beveled glass inserts. Light wood color .

Height 16 1/2”  It is in excellent condition.

Phone number: 724-775-2466


Timothy  (Ohio) 330-301-8223


Intex Queen-size durable double-high Air Mattress.  Includes plug-in inflator.  PRICE:  $20.00


Cargo Carrier that hitches to back of your car.  Hitch and Key included. In great shape.  4’5” wide with an internal length of 1’7”.  Perfect for carrying your deer or even a full-size cooler.   PRICE: $100


Crossbow bag/cover with carrying strap.  PRICE: $20


PHONE: 330-301-8223


Val ( Beaver)


Garrity 24 carat Gold electroplated 4 leaf Shamrock. 4” (NIB) New in box with literature included.  PRICE: $30


Electric Leaf Blower (in box) that also mulches & vacuums.  Bag included.  PRICE: $25.oo


Toshiba Vintage (not flat screen) 19” TV.  PRICE:  $75.00.  TV Stand on wheels available:  $25.00


Panasonic Landline Cordless telephones.  5 handsets, 2 dial pads. Includes answering machine, redial, speakerphone & caller ID.     PRICE:  $89.00

PHONE: 724-513-9390


Timmy (Eastvale) calling for his neighbor


Brown Lift Chair that lays all the way back.  Works very well.  Arms are slightly worn.  Delivery available.  PRICE:  FREE!

Her PHONE is:  724-544-6288





5,000 Watt Briggs & Stratton Generator.  Runs good.

PRICE:  $300 OBO

PHONE:  724-494-1084





Unique Charbroil Big Easy. Propane powered infrared heat cooker that safely cooks hams, roasts, chickens & TURKEYS on a rotisserie.  Get that delicious crispy skin.  All attachments and instruction manual are included.  PRICE: $50.00

PHONE: 412-974-0127




Rick (Chippewa)  Old Wooden Baby High Chair.  PRICE: $10.00

PHONE:  724-630-9100



Millie   LTB (Looking to buy) a 4’ round table top.  Can be glass, wooden or plastic.  She wants to place this on a wrought iron table base.

PHONE:  724-846-3425


You can email bcr@beavercountyradio.com to add a listing or to let Diane Brosius know if your item has sold. You can also list items on the Website (Beavercountyradio.com) by clicking on the Yankee Trader logo. Snail mail can be sent to WBVP/WMBA 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd. Beaver, PA 15009


02-24-24 LISTINGS




Terry  (Rochester)


LTB (looking to buy)  an older Cadillac within the $3,000 range


LTB (looking to buy)  any Cadillac memorabilia or promotional items i.e.: buttons, mugs, shirts.  Anything with the Cadillac logo.


For sale:  P225-60-16 tire on a rim with lots of tread and air.  PRICE: $35 OBO


PHONE:  724-312-2823




Mary (Patterson)


Snow Blade that will attach to a John Deere lawn tractor.  In excellent condition-only used once.  Was on an X300 J.D. tractor    PRICE: $500


Heavy duty metal Grocery Cart on wheels with a pull handle.  PRICE: $8.00


PHONE:  878-264-8535




Val  (Beaver)


Electric Leaf Blower that also mulches & vacuums.  Bag included.  PRICE: $25.oo


12 Qt. Vollrath Stainless Steel Cooking Pot  PRICE:  $80.00


Wooden Storage Chest/Toy Box with a lid.  PRICE: $45.00


Man’s GT Rebound Bicycle in good condition  PRICE:  $225.00


PHONE:  724-513-9390




Ron  (Beaver)


Collection of Antique Beer Steins  PRICE:  $25.00 and up


PHONE:  724-728-8993



Ed (Freedom/New Sewickley)


2 Corner Curio Cabinets.  Dark Wood with glass doors & mirrors behind.  About 6’ tall.

PRICE: $30 each OBO


Oak entertainment center 6’X6’  Some glass and some regular doors.  Has room for a 42” TV, but you could make this into whatever you like. PRICE:  $75.00


36” JVC older TV.  Works fine.  FREE  FREE


Kitchen table & chairs.  Round drop-leaf table with 4 Windsor chairs.  Heavy duty dark wood.

PRICE: $60.00 for all


PHONE:  724-622-8072


You can email bcr@beavercountyradio.com to add a listing or to let Diane Brosius know if your item has sold. You can also list items on the Website (Beavercountyradio.com) by clicking on the Yankee Trader logo. Snail mail can be sent to WBVP/WMBA 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd. Beaver, PA 15009


02-17-24 LISTINGS



New Intex Queen-size durable double-high Air Mattress.  Includes plug-in inflator.  PRICE: $20

PHONE: 330-301-8223


Howie (Vanport)  724-774-6397


Every episode of every season of CHEERS on DVD’s.  PRICE:  Make an offer


100 Cowboy Movies with stars like Hop along Cassidy, John Wayne, Tim Holt, Johnny Mac Brown & Hoot Gibson.    PRICE:  Make an offer

Phone: 724-774-6397



Rechargeable battery operated (Ryobi?) Weed Wacker.  Battery & Charger included.  PRICE:  Make an offer


Used Propane Grill.  Tank included.  PRICE:  Make an offer


Man’s Winter Coat Size XL.  Dark gray.  PRICE:  Make an offer


Wurlitzer Upright Piano.  About 60-70 years old.  PRICE:  Make an offer

PHONE:  724-462-8079


Ron (Beaver)

2 Women’s Trail Bikes.  Ridden hardly at all.  One is white & one is black.  Paid over $200 each for them.  PRICE: $100 EACH


Trunk full of (mostly current) Military Books.  PRICE: Make an offer.

Phone:  724-728-8993



Lenox Fine bone china.  11 5-piece place settings.  Eclipse pattern.  In perfect condition. PRICE: $79 per setting


Noritake Fine China  12 place settings  PRICE:  $600


Toshiba Vintage (not flat screen) 19” TV.  PRICE:  $75.00.  TV Stand on wheels available:  $25.00


Panasonic Landline Cordless telephones.  5 handsets, 2 dial pads. Includes answering machine, redial, speakerphone & caller ID.     PRICE:  $89.00

PHONE: 724-513-9390


Ernie  (Center Twp)   724-770-0762


Beautiful Amish-made Gun Cabinet.  Has very nice trim and green velvet lining.  2 doors with clear glass and a storage drawer.  Keys included.  Holds 6 guns. In EXCELLENT condition.  PRICE:  $95.00

PHONE: 724-770-0762


Karen (North Sewickley Twp.)


Man’s Polo Brand Winter Black Vest Size L.  PRICE:  $20


Brand New still in the box: Size 7 ½ Med. Ladies Timberland Brown Leather Tall Boots with 3-4 inch heels.  PRICE: 100.00


Phone:  724-651-5658

YANKEE TRADER 2/10/24 listings

You can email bcr@beavercountyradio.com to add a listing or to let Diane Brosius know if your item has sold. You can also list items on the Website (Beavercountyradio.com) by clicking on the Yankee Trader logo. Snail mail can be sent to WBVP/WMBA 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd. Beaver, PA 15009



02-10-24 Listings


Timothy  (Ohio) 330-301-8223


Cargo Carrier that hitches to back of your car.  Hitch and Key included. In great shape.  4’5” wide with an internal length of 1’7”.  Perfect for carrying your deer or even a full-size cooler.   PRICE: $100


Crossbow bag/cover with carrying strap.  PRICE: $20


PHONE: 330-301-8223



Val (Beaver)


Wooden flute  PRICE: $15.00


Electric Leaf Blower with bag.  Vacuums & mulches too.  PRICE: $20


About 1,700 Sports Trading Cards.  Primarily Baseball and Football.  All are in albums-excellent condition.  PRICE:  $1.00 for individuals or negotiate for whole albums.


Garrity 24 carat Gold electroplated 4 leaf Shamrock. 4” (NIB) New in box with literature included.  PRICE: $30


PHONE: 724-513-9390




Old Women’s Watches.  None work-many lovely bands.  PRICE: FREE

PHONE:  724-203-4569





Trampoline with netting safety sides.  Large size holds up to 6 kids.  A couple of years old.  PRICE: Make an offer.


Massive weight bench- weight racks included.  Heavy duty bar also.

PRICE: Make an offer.


PHONE: 724-462-8079


Ron (Beaver)


2 Women’s Trail Bikes.  Ridden hardly at all.  One is white & one is black.  Paid over $200 each for them.  PRICE: $100 EACH


Phone:  724-728-8993