This Saturday from 8-10 AM on the Saturday Morning Sports Slam hosts Frank Sparks and Greg Benedetti will have WPIAL and State Champion Coach of the undefeated Aliquippa Quips , NIck Lackovich on in the first hour and the second hour guest will be Pitt Alumni Bob Middleman to discuss Jamie Dixon’s abrupt departure for TCU and the Panthers search for a new basketball coach. Also featured will be Greg’s overnight news, The Bolland Hot Lap and the Nascar Momments. Plus the Pens are the hottest team in the NHL and the Bucs are about to break spring training. They will also be taking phone calls at 724-774-1888 and 724-843-1888 to talk about whatever is on your mind in the sports world.
Category: Saturday Sports Slam
Bolland family guests on “The Lead Lap”
(Beaver County, PA) The temperatures really heated up figuratively and literally as a milder than normal winter has gotten Beaver County Radio listeners thinking about racing. Along that line, The the airwaves got revved up like a big block chevy at red line speed as Beaver County’s first family of racing, the Bollands were special guests

on the “The Lead Lap” which aired from 10 to 11 A.M. on WBVP and WMBA. Show sponsor Don Bolland, from Bolland Machine company, along with his sons, local dirt race car “trip 7’s” driver Kevin Bolland and crew chief, Keith Bolland Joined hosts Frank Sparks and Jason Colangelo.
Listeners were treated to lively discussion about local racing, local track schedules and National racing events during the one hour special racing oriented broadcast.

Beaver Falls will have to pass their finals Friday night at the Peterson Events Center, according to Greg Benedetti
Greg Benedetti Sports Commentary
Greg Benedetti wants you to take a look at the Penguins line up in his sports commentary.
02/20/16 Saturday Sports Slam Preview
This week in the eight o’clock hour Jack Fullen, president of the WPIAL and Blachawk Athletic Director will join Greg and Frank to talk about realignment in some high school sports. In the nine o’clock hour Beaver County Radio Sports Color Analyst Jason Colangelo will join the guys to talk about the Super Bowl of NASCAR the Daytona 500. The Pirates , Pens, Steelers, and anything else you wanna talk about will also be on the docket and don’t forget the Bolland Hot Lap and of course our weekly trivia question where the winner gets a Large order of wings from Robert’s Roadside Inn. So tune in and call in,(724) 843-1888 and (724) 774-1888, from 8 to 10 AM every Saturday morning.
Greg Benedetti has an idea to bring more excitement to the WPIAL Football Championship games.
Greg Benedetti Sports Commentary
Saturday Sports Slam Preview for February 6, 2016
This week on the Saturday Sports Slam Greg and Frank will have Bob Middleman our Pitt guru in to talk about Pitt football’s recruiting class for this year in hour number one. The second hour will be John Mehno associated press writer will join us to talk about the Super Bowl and Pirates baseball. The Bolland Hot Lap also makes it’s return this week highlighting the local racing scene. Plus the NASCAR moment and high school hoops.
01/30/16 Saturday Sports Slam Preview
This week’s guests are Tim Ishman Director of Recreation and Tourism for Beaver County in the 8 o’clock hour ( We’re going to talk with him about the Ice Arena and Snow Shovel riding contest along with other things going on in the county and Mike Lysakowski from Motorsport Aspects in the 9 o’clock hour. (Mike is getting ready to leave for a speed week’s in Daytona and we’ll check in with him with all the new rule changes in Nascar) Plus it’s the break in the NHL we’ll evaluate the Pens first half and high school hoops are starting to wind down we’ll go over the standings and see who has to beat who to get to the playoffs all that and more with Frank Sparks and Greg Benedetti this Saturday on the Saturday Sports Slam from 8:05 to 10 a.m. on Beaver County Radio 1230/WBVP and 1460 WMBA.