Beaver County Community Spotlight: Nora Janicki, Hopewell Twp. Community Outreach Supervisor

Story by Beaver County Radio News Correspondent Sandy Giordano

(Hopewell Twp., Pa.) Nora Janicki, Hopewell Township’s Community Outreach Supervisor  moved here  in 1993. with her husband She grew up in Barberton, Ohio, and  also lived in Arizona and California. She attended CCBC, she was a realtor, worked for Weight Watchers  for  almost 12 years doing an online program.

After that, it was time for a career change, she was hired by the township as a part time administrative  assistant, a position she held  for 5 years. The township named her Community Outreach Coordinator 3 years ago, and the many projects she and her coworkers  have spearheaded with community support are numerous. Two of the most noticeable projects are the area by the traffic lights    at Five Points where each season has décor, and during the spring and summer flowers are planted. The flags that are visible on Memorial Day, Fourth of July, , and Veterans Day  in front of the junior high school are also  part of the community outreach program.
A comfort food cook-off was held in the fall, and was open to all residents and businesses.
A bake-off will be held Saturday, March 27 from 2:30 to 6:30 p.m. Three categories aren’t filled yet, according to Mrs. Janicki. Two spots are left in the sweet bread category, 3 in cookies, and 7 in the pie category. Winners can claim a certificate and a trophy,, and most  importantly, Bragging Rights!!


Committee to host a drive-thru event to stock Little Free Pantries of Beaver County and collect petition signatures required for Democrats to be listed on the primary ballot in May. 

Rochester, Pa.—The Beaver County Democratic Committee is partnering with prospective candidates to gather signatures in a drive-thru event this Saturday, February 27, 2021, from 10 am until 4 pm at the Beaver County Courthouse Parking Garage, 900 3rd Street, Beaver, PA. COVID precautions will be followed, and masks are required. 

In Pennsylvania, prospective candidates must collect signatures of registered voters in their districts to secure a place on a political party’s primary ballot each spring. In the COVID era, candidates and local committees have had to develop safe and creative ways to accomplish this task. 

The Committee also recognizes that COVID has brought challenges to many of our neighbors, so in conjunction with collecting signatures, they are requesting donations of non-perishable food and dry goods that Committee volunteers will deliver to the eleven Little Free Pantries throughout the county. 

“In 2021, Democrats are dedicated to helping improve Beaver County for all residents,” said Committee President Terri Mitko. “We are proud to pair our necessary political work with donations that benefit the Little Free Pantries.” 

All non-perishable foods, except for glass jars and canned goods, will be accepted. Especially requested:


Spaghetti sauce in plastic jars 

Mac and Cheese 

Ramen Noodles 

Cups of soup 

Dry cereal 


Powdered milk 



Bars of soap 

About the Committee: The Beaver County Democratic Committee promotes government leaders at the local, state, and federal levels that are committed to serving with integrity and in the best interests of all people. Our mission is to elect and support Democratic government officials who listen to the people they serve and reflect the interests and priorities of Beaver County citizens.


Rochester, Pa.—In celebration of Black History Month, the Beaver County Democratic
Committee is hosting an evening of spoken word and poetry to honor the voices of the Black community in Beaver County. The theme is “All the Bridges We Have Made.”
The event will take place on Monday, February 22, 2021, at 7 pm online using Zoom. Those interested in attending can sign up by going to

“There is a lot of excitement about this event,” said Committee President Terri Mitko. “People in the community were thrilled to see that we are celebrating Black History Month in a safe and creative way, especially after Youth Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman read her beautiful poem ‘The Hill We Climb’ at President Biden’s Inauguration.”

Participants include:
• Mtume Imani, President, Beaver County NAACP
• Alexus Shaw reading from her book “Black Woman: A Poetry Book About Life From A Black
Woman’s Perspective”
• Ariana Suggs
• Andreena Williams
• Shalmai Hall
• Felicia Mycyk reading her poem “We”
• Nadia Knecht
• Unique Writez reading from her book “Hidden Thoughts”

About the Committee: The Beaver County Democratic Committee promotes government leaders at the local, state, and federal levels that are committed to serving with integrity and in the best interests of all people. Our mission is to elect and support Democratic government officials who listen to the people they serve and reflect the interests and priorities of Beaver County citizens.

United Way to Hold a Golf Ball Drop Fundraiser

The United Way of Beaver County is holding a golf  ball drop as a fundraiser If you click on the photo above you will be directed to the registration form. For a $25.00 donation you could win one of 20 prizes. There are only 144 balls for the drop available so you have a 1-7 chance of winning a prize.

Police shootings furor brings look at use-of-force policies

Police shootings furor brings look at use-of-force policies
By JO CIAVAGLIA, Bucks County Courier Times undefined
BETHLEHEM, Pa. (AP) — The man rocked side-to-side as he muttered incoherently with a knife in his hand, but after the sixth time a police officer told him to put down his knife, he suddenly raised it and stepped toward the officer. The officer, who was about 12 feet away, fired, killing him. A state police corporal asked those listening to the real-life incident whether the officer was justified in using deadly force under those circumstances, and whether it was justified even if an autopsy indicated the man likely wouldn’t have reached the officer. The corporal, providing an overview of the criminal and civil standards governing police use of force, said the answer to both questions was yes.

New Brighton School District to Provide Free Meals During Virtual Learning Period

(New Brighton,Pa.) The New Brighton Area School District will start full virtual learning tomorrow and will continue through at least January 18, 2021 at this point due to the rising cases of the COVID-19. During that time New Brighton School District will provide free meals during the virtual learning portion of the school year.  Beginning tomorrow all students enrolled in the District may pick-up a free breakfast and lunch through one of the two options.

Meals can be preordered for the entire week and picked up in the rear of the New Brighton High School at 3202 43rd Street on Mondays between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM.  If meals are being preordered for the entire week, parents are required to register their child(ren) by visiting

Alternatively, meals will be distributed at the New Brighton Middle School, 901 Penn Avenue, every Tuesday and Thursday between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM.  Those using the Tuesday/Thursday walk-up service do not need to complete the registration form.

Please contact Jocelyn Haskins at 724-843-1795 Ext. 366 with any questions.  Menus are available at each site upon request.